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Everything posted by Bargy

  1. I actually declined - I accepted SFSU.
  2. Yay lbalt92, great news!
  3. Received an acceptance to the campus program today, via email.
  4. Got an email today with an acceptance for SJSU. That took forever! Mt portal status hasn't changed tho.
  5. I'm starting at SFSU in the fall 2016, doing the MSW program. Just got my acceptance and just started looking for housing - I'll be moving up from the LA area. Anyone else headed to San Fran?
  6. I just had a phone call today (May 6) offering me a place and I accepted! The lady said I would be receiving a letter and email soon. Very excited. Re SJSU, I emailed them, and had a email back saying exactly what the website says - "pending dept review" - which it still says. Good luck everyone who is waiting.
  7. Just got an email from SFSU saying my app had been referred to the appropriate grad dept for review - really! Only now!
  8. Looking back at previous year's, SFSU takes forever, lots of complaints about it.
  9. Has anyone heard from San Francisco state? I called them today, and they said they would be completing replies in 1-3 weeks. I wondered if any have been sent out - seems like they would, but I can't find anything on the forum. I also called SJSU and they said all should hear by end of April. I've narrowed down my options but wanted to hear from them all before I make a final commitment.
  10. Just got emailed from CSUF for an interview, but it isn't until May 3!
  11. I am on the wait list for SDSU and spoke to Liz there today. She said that people who have been offered slots for the 2 and the 3 year programs have until 4/15/16 to pay their deposits. After that, any unpaid slots will be offered to those on the wait list. There are 20 on the wait list. She will let those on the wait list know by 4/19/16. Of course this is for 2 and 3 year programs, so I could be offered a 3 year spot but only want 2 year. All this differing dates for accepting etc is driving me nuts!
  12. Of the acceptances I've had, I've narrowed things down to these three (San Marcos, CSUN and Chico.) I'm still waiting to hear from SJSU, SFSU and Sac State, and am wait listed for SDSU. Of the three I've been accepted at, any advice for helping me narrow it down? I like San Marcos a lot, but it is a very new program (started 2013) and won't be accredited until summer 2016. Also, do people accept offers then change their minds when a later offer comes in which they prefer? Thanks for your help!
  13. I got an acceptance 2-3 weeks ago, and also just got an email via their webmail about an orientation meeting on April 7. I'm also supposed to receive a packet via snail mail before then, but no sign of it yet. I haven't been asked to pay a deposit at all either, as yet.
  14. Congrats! Please could you tell us how you heard? Call, personal email, college email? Thanks!
  15. Eeekk, anyone heard anything from anywhere else yet!
  16. I heard from CSUN on March 4, via campus email, which I wasn't checking very often, so I didn't see it til the 7th. They gave me 10 days to respond.
  17. Has anyone heard from SJSU, SacState, or Fullerton yet? Or know when we can expect to hear? I got accepted to CSUN and San Marcos but haven't made a decision yet. Thanks.
  18. I just got this email from the program director, "I wanted to let you know we have completed our admissions process and that you scored high. Currently all of our 2 YR slots are full. On APRIL 18th we will be able to tell you if we can offer you a slot in the 2 YR or 3 YR MSW program. I am aware that you need to pay a $400. non refundable deposit by APRIL 15th. You may call me or email me on APRIL 12th and I will be able to share with you where we are at with the process. There are applicants who say they are coming to SDSU and for one reason or another do not, this may open some slots in one of our programs. If you know you are not coming to SDSU at any given point, please send me an email as I have along waiting list. I hope this assist with your planning. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me."
  19. Hi MSWinmyfuture - I can't remember when I submitted them all, but the Cal States were between Nov-Dec and LLU and USC were the last (likely January). My references took forever from one person, so given that, I must have heard back from USC pretty quickly after the references were in. I also just got an email from SDSU today asking if I was interested in their online program. Not sure if that means that they are not offering me the in-person choice. I don't want to do online. Good luck everyone, and how do you do the tags at the bottom? Thanks!
  20. I applied to a bunch of Cal State schools plus LLU and USC. I had an interview at CSUN and expect to hear by mid March. I have an interview at LLU in April. I've been accepted at San Marcos, USC and CSLA. Waiting to hear from SFSU, SDSU, SJSU, CSUB, Sacramento, and Chico. Chico says they will send out responses by end of March. Likely won't accept USC because of the fees. GPA 3.2, GRE writing 3.5.
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