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    2016 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I got rejected from UCSF as well. Looks like I wont be going back home Still excited for these other interviews though.
  2. Do you think its a hassle or looks poorly if I request to be switched back to an original interview date instead of an alternate date that I requested? Basically, I asked one school for an alternate date, and after they had figured everything out they gave me one, and I signed up for that one. Now I have an opportunity to switch back to the original interview date which frees me up to interview at another institution that has no alternative dates.
  3. I just got an email from one school asking if I can switch my interview date. I already chose the first interview date weeks ago and now they are asking me to do the later date. Should I be concerned? Or is their some advantage to doing this? I was already making plans to come to the first date. I just wonder why they would do this.
  4. Just confirmed my interview date for Weill Cornell PBSB on February 10-12th! Hope to see you all there. Also got an invitation to Scripps Jupiter campus, however this one conflicts too. Also any word on TETRAD invites? haven't seen any going out in a while since before the break.
  5. I also received an invitation to the PBSB program that conflicts with another interview. I tried calling today but it went to voicemail. Keep me updated if you hear anything, hopefully they will add another interview date,
  6. I got an official rejection from the University of Washington Genome Sciences program. No worries though it just means Seattle is not in my future. Ill definitely check out the city though at some point, never been there
  7. Woot Woot, I cant believe it, I just got an interview invite for Columbia Systems and Comp Bio! Hope no one is pulling a Steve Harvey on me
  8. Question, It looks like the NYU genomics and systems bio invitation email has a survey that allows you to fill out what dates you are interested in interviewing and what faculty members you would like to interview with. Is it necessary to reply to the admissions coordinator with an email thanking them and whatnot, or should I just fill out the survey and that's that? For those wondering, the interview dates are January 21st-22nd or Feb 4th-5th
  9. First official interview invite from NYU Genomic and Systems Bio! If this is the only interview I get I feel like this may be due to my statement of purpose being limited to 1 page double spaced. My other SOP for other schools allowed me to write more, which may or may not be a good thing haha.
  10. Hmm, I got an email out of the blue from a former P.I. of mine at UCSF inviting me to do my graduate work with him. He's also on the board of admissions. Could this mean I should anticipate a UCSF invite soon?
  11. Has anyone's recommenders successfully received the letter request forms yet from Weill Cornell? Mine have not, even though I have my application submitted and paid for. I sent them an email about this but still have not heard back.
  12. Wow I see some really qualified people here. I would like to know where I stand and if I have any chances at the schools/programs I am applying to. Thanks in advance! Undergrad Institution: Low tier Cal State (This might hurt me coming from a not so good state college)Major(s): Cell and Molecular BiologyMinor(s):GPA in Major: 3.89Overall GPA: 3.92Position in Class: I dont know, I graduated Summa Cum LaudeType of Student: Hispanic MaleGRE Scores (revised/old version):Q: 156 (64%)V: 159 (81%)W: 5.0 (94%)B: N/AResearch Experience: 3 years experience at my undergrad's core facility (focus on sequencing technology) Most of the work was learning wet lab techniques and troubleshooting involving next gen sequencing, but I did conduct two projects through this lab, one involving sequencing clinical samples for identification of polymorphisms in hemoglobin, and another project I presented as a poster at the Bay Area Science fair that involved identifying microbes in public areas through sequencing. I also helped lead new students in teaching them wet lab techniques as well as teaching a biochem professor wet lab techniques for sequencing. I did a Summer Internship at UCSF in a viral diagnostics lab with a focus on next gen sequencing and bioinformatic pipelines. I presented my summer project to the UCSF community during a poster session and a talk. Doing a 2 year NIH PostBac IRTA in two collaborating labs in the fields of retroviral gene therapy and neuropharmacology. I have presented 3 posters through these labs and have one publication on the way.Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Summa Cum Laude, Golden Key International Honors Society, Deans list.Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I tutored students 8th through 12th for 3 years in Biology, Physics, Calculus, Algebra, History, English, Zoology, and Chemistry. I also T.A'd for a year a general studies cluster made up of Pre-Nursing, Pre-Med, and Biology students, where I devised and presented lesson plans for careers in medicine and science with the focus on increasing college retention for disadvantaged students. I also met with these students one on one for academic advising, counseling, and tutoring. This was through my leadership and development program where I learned all the necessary skills to do this. I Also helped train the next generation of Leadership students and as a result was selected to help implement this program in our sister Tech College in Japan during a two week cultural exchange program.Special Bonus Points: My P.I. for my UCSF internship is on the board of admissions for UCSF. He offered me a job on the spot at his lab but I chose to go out to the east coast and work at NIH for two years instead (I hope this didn't hurt my chances). Receiving one letter from my undergrad P.I. and Professor, and two from NIH P.I.'s, although they are not exactly in the field of studies I am applying to, but I am applying to interdisciplinary programs so I wanted to show that I am capable of interdisciplinary studies as evident from my work in different fields.Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Interested in interdisciplinary work, primarily in genomics, systems bio, and computational bio, although I lack a computational biology/bioinformatics background other than taking one bioinformatics class and my summer internship which was mostly focused on the wet lab side of things.Applying to Where:Weill Cornell- Tri institutional Program in Comp Bio and MedicineUCSF-TetradRockefeller Scripps University of Irvine- Mathematical, Computational, and Systems Bio NYU- Genomic and Systems Bio University of Washington Seattle- Genome Sciences Columbia- Computational and Systems Bio I would greatly appreciate any input.
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