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    2016 Fall
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    Political Science

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  1. Thank you for confirming. And congrats!
  2. So all admits on the survey page are real?
  3. Don't get misled by the survey page -- TW told me that the results won't be out until next week Whoever posted it -- Trolling probably won't do you any good.
  4. Probably it's just a person who does not know the difference between HKS and Government.
  5. Schools that have MA programs (Duke, Chicago, Columbia, NYU) are waiting to send out rejections later because some rejections come with the Master offer. I won't be surprised if all NYU admit and WL decisions are out at this juncture, but an offer is still possible though unlikely
  6. You are right -- HKS rejections are out; government won't release their decisions until next week.
  7. From TW: "However, I can assure you no notifications have gone out yet." He also said hopefully the decisions will be out next week. So have a good weekend everyone. No need to refresh your emails like me anymore this week.
  8. Can't stop refreshing my gmail...
  9. Thank you for confirming. At least we know that Harvard is actually sending out decisions this week. good luck to everyone
  10. Harvard is out?
  11. Well -- I just checked. You are right. Departments that accepted me are all giving me money for tuition even when it's Years 4 and 5 But I think my original point was not invalid -- if UCR doesn't give the applicant stipends after year 2, then he should consider elsewhere or apply next year
  12. Many people don't take classes after Year 2. So the tuition waiver usually ends after Year 2. However, if you get nothing (i.e. stipend, insurance) after Year 2, that means your study is not funded. Make sure with your department on the details because unfunded programs are a red flag to go to
  13. Cornell is an ivy; OSU is not -- just in case you want to get a job in communications department or outside of academia, going to Cornell makes more sense to me. Also, they are both top 20. People might care about the top 5/10 difference because top 5 are Chymps, but top 15/20 is rarely distinguishable. If funding and POIs are similar in both departments, I would vote for Cornell for sure
  14. Congrats to the Columbia admit!
  15. My undergrad institute has a joint-program with Columbia so I started as a pre-engineering freshman. In my sophomore year, I took a conflict class and it literally blew my mind. I thought the topic was so fascinating and fortunately, I got a RA job at Northwestern the following summer. That was the time when I became seriously interested in studying and doing political science. So I told my school that I was about to quit the engineering program -- but since I took so many classes as a pre-engineering student, I was able to meet all the graduation requirements and the registrar told me that I could in fact graduate one year early if I was no longer doing the joint program with Columbia. So I decided to graduate early that summer. And during the same summer, I took my GRE, and wrote 12 SoPs with the hope that I could still enjoy my life as a junior applicant (which did not turn out to be true. Last seater was the most hectic one in my undergrad career). In this sense, I started this poli sci Ph.D. game pretty late, but luckily everything worked out and I really appreciate what I've got today! And to the physics student in a previous post -- it's never too late to change your track once you find your passion! Sometimes, people would even view your non-traditional experience as a strength.
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