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  • Application Season
    2016 Spring

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  1. Thank you for your perspective, and good idea about snapchat.
  2. In the midst of one hectic application process trying to decide the best place to attend, I feel as though I never properly addressed the fact that I am about to start another life. I am moving to another country, my girlfriend and I are breaking up (because of distance), and I'm leaving all my friends and family behind--all that scares me! I'm not very nervous about what lies in front of me, like whether I will succeed at grad school, or make new friends, or what it's like to live in a different country, etc. I know these things will all work out. Rather, I'm scared of letting go of what I currently have, especially relationships I fear will weaken with time. Does anyone else feel they overlooked just how drastically their lives are about to change? Is anyone else letting go of things they don't want to so they can pursue their studies? How are you coming to grips with these issues?
  3. @Neist, @TakeruK, @nevermind Thanks for your perspectives. I think what I'm taking away from this is that I need to talk to the current grad students and learn about their post 5 year funding situations. Cheers.
  4. l appreciate your bluntness but for this field (and specifically this program) you're very wrong--the average degree completion for this program is 5.5 years.
  5. What does it mean if you're guaranteed funding for the first 5 years? Is this just an insurance for you or would I likely cease to be funded after this 5 years?
  6. You're one of those people who dyes their hair rainbow, aren't you? But seriously, I feel like there's a little bit of merit to what both of you are saying. Yes, snap judgements are real (don't wear your fedora to the interview quanto), but in the end they are interested in what you can bring to their program and that you're not that unhygienic dude that showers once a week because "natural oils are good for you".
  7. I think it could only hurt. No one is going to look favourably at your application in view of the fact that you're going to decline all other offers even if they don't accept you. I certainly can't think of a reason why that would help gain admission. It could however hint to them that you are too picky, or that you are unable to cope with non-ideal circumstances. The latter is an immediate red flag in my opinion: there will always be non-ideal circumstances--even in your ideal program--and they want someone who is adaptable. To clarify, I'm not making these judgements on you, but I wouldn't surprised if the admissions committee did make such judgements, unless you provided them with legit reasons why putting your career on pause for a year is a good idea.
  8. My gut is that you still have work to do and that you should not take this as admission into the program. Last week I got accepted into the University of Toronto Biochemistry program and they came right out and said "you're accepted as long as you can find supervisors, this is how much you get paid, etc". Mind you this is a different department.
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