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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    School Psychology

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  1. @psychschool All APA accredited schools are required to have a data sheet called "Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data" on their website for viewing (or by request). Since the time of completion varies from program to program, and person to person, it's useful to look at the data sheet to see the average time to completion each year. However, I think 5 years is generally the minimum amount of time for completion. But, if you found your perfect POI and you work your butt off, I see no reason why completion in 5 years couldn't be a possibility. As far as there being an added "benefit" to earning a PhD, it truly depends on your career goals. On another note, I was about to ask if it makes sense to switch from my EdS program to a PhD program after my first semester. One of the programs I have been accepted to has an internal process for current students to apply to move up to the PhD track. Although my goal is not to go into academia, I would like the possibility of running my own practice. Anyone have any advice or a successful experience doing this?
  2. @iphi Thank you for the extra hope! @DestinyS I hope so! This has been torture. I called last week and they said formal emails of acceptance/waitlist/rejection were "supposed" to be released on that same day (2/26) Yet, I have still received nothing.
  3. I'm officially reviving this thread right now! I saw someone posted in the results area that they got accepted into the School Psych PhD program at the University of Florida on Feb 25th via email. If you're following this post would you mind sharing which professor it was (you can PM me instead if you'd like)? I interviewed for the Ed.S program but, I still haven't heard anything back yet. In the meantime, I'll be over in the "WHINE, WAIT, and WINE" thread. Wallowing in my anxiety.
  4. @Cat_Robutt Wow. Thank you for the information. Both of those incidents are indeed sad to read about. Being that I have two small children, I will definitely need to be careful of the area I live in since I will be new to the area. But, honestly, stuff like this could happen anywhere at any time, so I won't judge Tallahassee based on just these incidents. I have heard about the historical civil rights history it holds and the art scene. It does sound like there would be a ton to do if you seek it out!
  5. Could you please elaborate on the part about "several accidental shootings"..? I'm really shocked and would like to know more of what you are talking about!
  6. Hi, everyone! This thread is really outdated so; I was hoping someone could chime in and let me know some current information about living in Tallahassee and attending Florida State University. Here is some information about me: I've been offered admittance to the School Psychology Ed.S/M.S program at Florida State University in Fall 2016. I am married with two small children so; I am looking for somewhere to live that is child-friendly and has an excellent school system rating. I'm coming from the East, so I am not very familiar with Florida. Thanks!
  7. Awesome! I have no idea what to expect for the interview questions. I still can't believe it's 3 days from now.
  8. The coordinator for FSU sent me the interview invitation via email on Jan 22. Did you get an invite?
  9. For those of you who have had interviews already, could you please share some of the questions they asked? I've been rehearsing some generic questions but, I'd really like to see some specific to school psychology. All of the schools I applied to are in Maryland or Florida. Thanks!
  10. Hi, everyone! I'm so glad I found this thread! The application deadline for 3 of the Ed.S programs I applied to end tonight! It's been so difficult just waiting around for their decision. Then, another program I applied to that had a Dec 15th deadline, has already contacted me for an interview! Except, I have no idea if I should be excited or confused because my GRE scores were not their required minimum (I still applied anyways). Has this ever happened to anyone?
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