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Everything posted by CrimsonEyes

  1. I am sorry to hear about your rejection to Berkeley. I have not heard anything yet.. So far, no news is god news I'm guessing. Good Luck on your other schools and congrats on your acceptance to UB.
  2. Thanks for the info.. and just to verify cause I know some people, sometimes myself, get confused on Penn meaning UPenn or Penn State. Could you verify which school you meant? Thanks and yes... If I only need to freak at on that specify day for this school that would be helpful. I applied to UPenn, so hopefully thats what you meant.
  3. Yes keeping all my fingers and toes crossed!!!! I was reading last years posts on a different post, and some ppl who had an interview were waitlisted. SO we shall see and some people had interviews well into mid feb. So we still have time!
  4. Hey all!!!... Ive applied to PhD UPenn, PhD Berkeley and PhD CSSW (Columbia)..and other schools for different programs.. good luck to everyone... Anyone else apply to CSSW.... Ive spoken with the doctoral office and they have told me they are meeting to make decisions on Feb 1st and then again Feb 22/26... So just an FYI.
  5. Hey all!!!... Ive applied to UPenn, Berkeley and CSSW (Columbia)..and other schools for different programs.. good luck to everyone... Anyone else apply to CSSW.... Ive spoken with the doctoral office and they have told me they are meeting to make decisions on Feb 1st and then again Feb 22/26... So just an FYI.
  6. So, if you do not receive an interview, you could still get accepted right? Though those who get an interview are on the fast track to get an acceptance?
  7. Hello... Congrats on the interview... I have also applied to the DrPH program.... How did they contact you regarding the interview?
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