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About amlitbookworm

  • Birthday May 1

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    20th/21st Century American Literaure --Queer, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    University of Washington, Seattle | PhD

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  1. @HumanCylinder Thank you, and congrats on your program as well! You're right, at least our flights aren't too long! So far I have been using old textbooks from high school and undergrad, as well as an app called DuoLingo (on the App Store for free) to brush up on my German. I'm pretty far removed from taking those classes though, so I am hoping to be able to get myself back up to speed on my own and not have to take the extra coursework. The good thing about UW's foreign language requirement, though, is that the German test is 1 hour and 40 minutes, but it is all written (no verbal or audio), which is usually what I struggle with most. I can listen/read/understand really well, but my responses aren't nearly as quick or coherent as they probably should be. ugh. But check out DuoLingo if you haven't already! I think it's hard to learn a language on that app, but I think it's good for refreshing if you already have a general sense of the grammar rules.
  2. Great thread so far! I, too, chose to attend the only (funded) offer I received: UW Seattle. But even though this was the only funded offer (I was accepted to two other programs, and waitlisted at one--but none with funding), UW was still the best possible choice for me among the programs I applied to. I will be studying 20th and 21st C American literature, with an emphasis in gender, sexuality, and queer studies, and UW has some AMAZING faculty members in those areas. Despite all of this, the decision was somewhat difficult for me to make, as this will be my first big move away from my family (in Southern CA) and I am planning a wedding for November (that is already booked in CA). So there will be lots of flights back home in the coming months, but I knew that the fully funded offer for a guaranteed 4 years at such an amazing university was an opportunity I couldn't let a few flights and missing home get in the way of. In regards to preparing for starting the program this Fall, I am continuing to brush up on queer theory and relevant literature (I have only been out of school for a year at this point) to have a better sense of texts I might like to work with for my eventual dissertation. I am hoping to create a syllabus of sorts for myself, and begin working through it starting in June when I am done teaching for the current semester at a local CC. I am also brushing up on my foreign language to hopefully be able to test out of the language requirement and not have to take extra coursework for it. And, of course, wedding and moving plans, and all of the associated anxiety/stress.
  3. Happy to say I accepted a fully funded offer to UW Seattle that came in at the eleventh hour! If any of you have recommendations for living in Seattle or attending UW specifically, please feel free to share any info/insights you might have; it would be much appreciated! Cheers to all of the other acceptances this application season, and best of luck to those re-applying for the next cycle.
  4. Long-time lurker of this thread, but just wanted to say that I've also been wait listed at UCR! Thanks for all the info in this thread, especially from @rdsull89 and good luck to everyone! Cheers.
  5. Noticed a couple of UCR Ph.D. in English admits on the results section! Anyone want to claim those and specify areas of emphasis? Congrats, btw!
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