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Everything posted by lattekitty

  1. I agree with you, one of my program's PIs apparently sent out an invitation on 12/6 (so early!) and did a zoom meeting with some prospective applicants today. To say I felt my heart drop to my feet would be the EXACT feeling I had when I read that. I'm hoping some PIs are just earlier on their game and others may take some time... esp. since this IS really early to be interviewing already...
  2. Nope! All I've gotten was an email from PAU saying they're inviting me to a webinar on 1/5/22 on how to interview for PAU PhD interviews? Freaked me out when I first saw the subject line but it looks like its a generic email for a webinar in preparation for a potential interview request... Would be pretty cruel if I attend this webinar and can't even get to said interview! ?
  3. Hi there! I am also prepping to apply for the Fall 2022 cycle Best fit for my interests are Counseling Psychology PhD Programs, but also applying to some Clinical Psych, Psy.D Programs. I have 15 schools on my list at the moment but I'm sure that will dwindle as PIs begin to make decisions on accepting/ not accepting students for the coming cycle..! I've worked really hard to get here..first time applying, I feel like I'm going to throw up lol ?
  4. me! still here :/
  5. For regular 2 year program applicants, we should expect to hear back today/ tomorrow, yes? Or do they email out on the weekends as well? I feel extremely anxious! Been checking my emails every 5 seconds, can't focus on anything else!
  6. thank you for your encouragement! Today has been pretty quiet... and I called CU this morning and the person just said: "results go out this week" and hung up on me.. Quite rude.. but I suppose they are swamped with phone calls and emails too...
  7. I'm starting to get pretty antsy... I applied November 30th and my application was completed December 2nd... so how come I have yet to hear back from them? Do rejection letters go out by snail mail...?
  8. Hello, I'm awaiting a response from Columbia as well! Starting to get real jittery!
  9. I guess its not just me who is waiting then! Ive been checking my email every 5 seconds every day all month... like a crazy person!
  10. hello. i've been lurking around this forum for the past few weeks because i've been super anxious about my application... congrats! to those who heard back this morning! now where is mine..... TT
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