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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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    clinical psychology

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  1. I'm currently deciding between graduate school offers and one of my main concerns with one program is the TA requirement. I would have to TA for at least 4 years during my studies. The official letter states that TAships require 20 hours per week, but I've been told that the workload is usually around or under 10 hours per week, but varies with class type (e.g., statistics) and time of year (e.g., exams). It usually includes attending lectures, holding office hours, administrative tasks, marking/monitoring exams, and teaching (e.g., labs). I've asked around and I've received mixed feedback: some tell me to avoid TA as much as possible, while others say it is not a big issue. Keeping in mind that I am not eligible for external grants because I am not a US citizen, how much does TAing affect my research productivity and quality of life? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  2. It sounds like SSHRC or CIHR could be a good fit for your research interest. Honestly it really depends on how closely you adhere to the mandate of each funding branch when you apply. Most psychology students get funding from SSHRC, some from CIHR, and few from NSERC. If you want to get funding from SSHRC, you could emphasize the social science aspect, and if you want to get funding from CIHR, emphasize the health aspect of your proposed research. Most schools have more funding allocations for SSHRC than CIHR, so the former is less competitive. It helps to search up some sleep researchers (e.g., Dr. Colleen Carney at Ryerson) to see who their research is funded by to get a better idea on this. It's great that you are thinking ahead for graduate funding =) Good luck!
  3. Seeking interviewees who attended the SUNY Buffalo clinical psychology interview weekend. During the panel Q and A somebody asked a great question about checks the program has implemented to help students graduate on time but I didn't write down the responses from the professors. If anyone who attended the interview weekend remembered and would like to share the responses it would be much appreciated!
  4. Has anyone been offered spots by funded clinical psychology PhD programs but decided to reapply the following year? What were some factors you considered in your decision making and what are the pros and cons of your decision? I am interested in pursuing academia if this information helps. Thank you in advance for your help and advice!
  5. Thanks so much for your advice! Have you followed up with your programs or POI? I'm thinking of following up but I currently don't have any updates and I'm not sure what else I can say besides that program is my top choice.
  6. I have been waitlisted at my dream clinical psychology PhD program. After the interview my POI indicated that I am a high alternate. What are some things I can do now to improve my chances of getting off the waitlist?
  7. I am thinking of working as an RA in the US before applying to clinical psychology in the following year. The problem is I currently do not hold a US citizenship. I was wondering if this means that I am not eligible to apply to work as an RA in the US. I will definitely look into the work Visa situation but if you guys have any knowledge or advice on this it would be greatly appreciated!
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