Though I know now that I won't have to opt for my Plan B (*still holding my breath because I fear this euphoric bubble I've been in for the past two weeks might pop and I will find out my acceptance was a mistake*) I was also looking into teaching at a private high school. Since this is my third foray into PhD application season and I have had to take multiple "plan B's" (BA in Philosophy rather than Theology...MA in English rather than Philosophy...MA in Theological Studies...ministry...teaching...) I was prepared for the inevitable mental/emotional/spiritual renegotiation.
But, for those of you facing it as a reality maybe for the first time...maybe not...just know that, at least in my experience, detours happen and I have always been better for the experience gathered while on them. And at the risk of leaving a cliche in this hallowed space, "way leads onto way" and I have never regretted taking Plan B.