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Everything posted by res2135

  1. I applied to an SLP program right of out college, and I majored in Linguistics too. I got into Vanderbilt with a GRE score of 1150, 4.5 writing. There are some programs that accept non-CSD candidates- Vanderbilt especially encourages it, and you still graduate in only two years! If I recall correctly, I also applied to Northwestern, BU, Emerson, and NYU. All of them accept non-CSD majors. I actually was waitlisted at all of them and then convinced Vanderbilt to let me in when I visited. If I were you, I'd just apply this fall. I took my GRE the first week in November if that helps with timelines. That was basically the latest I could take it. All of that being said, prepare to totally reconfigure how you think about language in an SLP program vs a linguistics program. I personally hated it, as did a friend of mine who also had a linguistics background. We both ended up leaving the program. Then again, other friends with linguistics backgrounds loved it. Just...be aware.
  2. Usually a master's in Communication Disorders is the same thing as an MS-SLP or MA-SLP, but I'd check with the dept to be sure.
  3. For what it's worth, I applied last year with a 3.5-something from Barnard and got into Vanderbilt off the waitlist, so it can be done!
  4. What is the difference between Anthropological Linguistics and Linguistic Anthropology? I'm mainly interested in endangered language revitalization. I'm interested in endangered language preservation/documentation as a means to end in terms of revitalization, but not as the be-all, end-all. Does this mean I'm interested in Anthropological Linguistics or Linguistic Anthropology? I cross-posted this to the Linguistics sub-forum as well.
  5. What is the difference between Anthropological Linguistics and Linguistic Anthropology? I'm mainly interested in endangered language revitalization. I'm interested in endangered language preservation/documentation as a means to end in terms of revitalization, but not as the be-all, end-all. Does this mean I'm interested in Anthropological Linguistics or Linguistic Anthropology? I'm cross-posting this to the Anthropology sub-forum as well.
  6. 4 schools is definitely not too many for SLP! I applied to 6, was waitlisted at ALL of them, and got into one. (Feel free to PM if you want)
  7. I'm at Vanderbilt (School of Medicine). I honestly don't really want to do SLP for a variety of reasons: 1. I kind of settled on SLP thinking I wanted the practical application of theoretical knowledge. I have since realized that while that is what I want, I want it in a more linguistic-y format (if that makes sense). SLP is very different from linguistics in its focus and approach towards language, and all of the linguistics majors in my program agree that it's...weird. I just generally disagree with the view SLP has of linguistics and the application of linguistic knowledge. Then again, maybe it's just me, or maybe it's just my program. Also they modify the IPA in weird ways, at least in my program. 2. I feel like a LOT of the people going into SLP are girls getting their MRS. It drives me absolutely crazy. Again, it could just be my program... 3. SLP is not overly evidence-based in practice. There's a big push for it to be, but there are still a ton of SLPs out there doing stupid things in therapy that have been proven NOT to work. There's also just not very much research about whether or not certain therapies even work. This also drives me crazy and makes me not want to stay in the field. 4. I just can't picture myself doing ONLY speech pathology for the rest of my life. The idea of doing that depresses the hell out of me. The only way that could remotely be okay for me is if I worked in an international school and/or a school setting and took the summers off to travel, learn new languages, research, etc. I'd rather not work in a school setting, though, because then your caseload is 75+, which is terrifying. I could go into academia in SLP- there's actually a huge need for Ph.D.s in the field, so it wouldn't be overly difficult to do so. I just don't really want to research communication disorders. I'm more interested in anthropological linguistics/linguistic anthropology. I'm sure there's more reasons I could give, but this is what I first thought of. Feel free to PM me or respond here.
  8. Thanks!
  9. At the time I decided to go for a master's in SLP, I had a hard time deciding between that or a PhD. I ended up choosing to go for SLP because I knew my application wasn't going to be good enough and I thought I would like speech pathology. To a certain extent, I do, but linguistics is my real passion and I find myself constantly daydreaming about how much happier I'd be if I were in a linguistics program instead of the one I'm in. I want to go into academia. That would be ideal and I would be overjoyed to teach (even intro classes) and do research. I'm planning on applying to all six I listed. I was trying to find other schools for language documentation in addition to those. Thanks for the help!
  10. I'm currently attending a master's program for Speech-Language Pathology, but majored in Linguistics in undergrad and recently realized I absolutely have to get a PhD in Linguistics or I just won't be happy. My area of interest is endangered language documentation and revitalization, so I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on which schools I should be looking at for that. So far I've narrowed it down to Berkeley, Stanford, Hawaii, UCSB, UCLA, and UT Austin. What GRE score should I be aiming for? Also, is it crazy to try to get a PhD in linguistics after getting a master's in Speech Pathology since my field isn't phonology? Thanks!
  11. I have a room with its own bathroom that will be available starting mid-August. If you're interested just private message me!
  12. If it helps, I was waitlisted at all of the schools I applied to and then accepted to the 2nd highest ranked one (ranked #5 for Speech Pathology). I really wouldn't worry too much about your other rejections- who knows what each adcom wants?
  13. Finally heard back from Emerson- waitlisted. I was officially waitlisted at all 5 of the schools I applied to. Thank god Vanderbilt (my top choice) decided to let me in!
  14. I'm going! Speech Language Pathology.
  15. Just found out I got into Vanderbilt off the waitlist! Miracles do happen.
  16. I'm in the same position as you (applied to 5 schools, waitlisted at 3, yet to hear from 2). Swagato is right about updating them, but I don't think an extra letter of rec will hurt you. Will it help? I have no idea. Definitely go visit the schools if they invited you to in any way, I did that at my dream school and they have basically told me that I'm now at the top of their waiting list and they just need enough room for me. I also sent in another letter of rec.
  17. Hi, I'm a fellow SLP student UW is ranked 5, right? So it's not like it matters which one you go to if you want to get a PhD in the future. In this case, I would definitely choose Seattle. Here's why: SLP jobs are always in high demand. You will most definitely be able to pay off your loans, without any problem. I strongly believe that location matters just as much to overall happiness as the funding they'll give you. Granted, it would be great if they could fund you fully (and you might try telling UW that they're your top choice, but Purdue is offering you much more and see what they can do- you never know!). But it's your dream school, in a location you love, with the specialization you're interested in (and it's hard to find schools that specialize in med SLP!). I really think you should choose UW. The only pros you've listed for Purdue is the funding, whereas you've listed a lot of pros unrelated to funding for UW. Go to UW and be happy!
  18. Yes, I still am too. I emailed them on monday and they finally got back to me with this: We just received a large number of Communication Disorder files back to our office today. Hopefully yours is in the group. You are one of many applicants who have contacted us asking about their decision and the best I can tell you is that you should hear soon. Whether or not you will hear prior to needing to put in a deposit at another school is not something I can say for certain. Thank you for your continued patience. The committee read over 600 files for your program and they want to give each applicant the time they deserve.
  19. I just called Vanderbilt (my top choice by far) asking about my waitlist status and was told to call back Monday once they have a better idea of how many will be accepting their offer. But, the director of admissions also told me that he's sorry to keep putting me off, and it's not that they don't want me. Yes! I think if there's room they're going to accept me (or maybe that's wishful thinking).
  20. The reasons I have heard are that it's very expensive but they don't feel like they've actually learned anything other theory so they aren't getting their money's worth. Professors are too busy to actually respond to student's emails or really just acknowledge them at all. The funding is terrible/practically non-existant and there are all sorts of hidden fees. Group discussion and stand-alone lecture is the only type of instruction given. Not structured to handle students with jobs, although they claim to be (few night classes). Assignments tend to just be regurgitation of text, rather than meaningfully dealing with the topic at hand. And they don't particularly like a lot of the people (egotistical) nor the campus, which is very small. ETA: I can tell you from my girlfriend's experience that I have seen pretty much all of these points to be true, and I specifically did not apply to TC because of this, even though some of my family members had gone to TC (decades ago) and wanted me to.
  21. Just for what it's worth, I currently go to one of the colleges at Columbia and I'm dating a TC student (and know a few others) and they all absolutely HATE Teacher's College. None of them are in the SLP program, so that might be good for all I know, but I just thought it might help people to know.
  22. I honestly would choose school B if only for the health insurance (I assume you'll get health insurance since you didn't mention it either way).
  23. res2135

    Albany, NY

    I grew up about ten minutes from Albany. The queer scene seems to be fairly small, but vocal, and active. Overall a generally accepting community. There are a few gay bars in Albany, but I've never actually been to any. You can pm me if you have any specific questions or anything about albany/the lgbt scene in albany.
  24. In terms of SLP programs, what I have heard is that it does NOT matter where you get your degree from. All that matters is getting certified. So if I were you, unless you know you want to go on for a PhD in SLP, I'd go to the school in the area he wants to be. Everyone I have talked to about SLP programs has told me that as long as you're certified, where you went to school really is irrelevant.
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