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Posts posted by dinny

  1. 7 hours ago, YouCantBcereus said:

    My interests are in microbiology, especially pathogenesis, so that department itself was really appealing to me. They have professors working on lots of relevant pathogens, and those working on potential antibiotic targets and vaccine development. I believe they said Most/All professors are affiliated with the college of medicine, and the labs are in or really close to the hospital. To me it seemed like there was a good, collaborative environment, and not that much intradepartmental competition. There's lots of funding, and many students end up on NIH training grants. 

    Another thing I liked about UVAs program: No TA requirements and class and rotations are not conducted at the same time.

  2. Can you speak more to their infectious disease strength? I was admitted thru bio chem and molecular genetics but that's not my main area of interesr

    39 minutes ago, YouCantBcereus said:

    I loved UVA! I love how strong they are in infectious disease research, all the professors I met with were great, I loved charlottesville, and I had a really good time. I hope I get accepted, as of now (post all interviews) I believe my top 2 schools I'd want to attend are UVA and UGA.

    I really liked Vandy and that interview weekend definitely set the bar high for the other schools. But this whole taking forever to hear back thing is irritating, and as much as I enjoyed Nashville I don't know if I'd love living there. UMich was wonderful and I loved the program. But its so far away from where I am and get so cold, I again I don't know if I'd be really happy living there.

    I'm sure you're fine interviewing later, iirc Vandy accepts a high majority of those who they interview as the program is really big!!


  3. 23 minutes ago, Effloresce said:

    how did you like UVA?

    also i've been looking at results for vandy (i'm going next week and freaking out cause that seems so late) and it seems they gave out offers to people that interviewed after that big weekend, which is really weird.

    I interviewed at and admitted to UVA and loved it! Program is very personal, but not too small. Really like the DGS who ran my interview (Joel hockensmith. Friendly and happy profs and students. And cville obviously is great 

  4. Their admissions are rolling and I was interviewed so I haven't lost all hope.. but I was in the middle of a serious episode of insomnia right during that interview week and I'm so upset about it all. It's such a shitty reason to potentially not get into my top choice school. I was practically delirious during my interviews

  5. I interviewed at UNC on the 18th feb. Absolute radio silence on the survey till yesterday since February 15th. Emailed a prof a few days after the interview and he said my app wasn't up for discussion until late this week so I probably wouldn't hear back until late next week... but fuck this wait. 


  6. Almost all reputable schools in the US (is this in the US?) have agreed to an April 15th deadline for accepting/declining admissions offers, unconditionally. Rather than call the school you are waiting to hear from, you should call the program you have been admitted to and seek additional time to decide. If they refuse, you should SERIOUSLY CONSIDER whether you wish to be at a program that refuses to work with you, unethically, before your graduate studies even begin. They're essentially broadcasting to you that the only way they can get people to attend is by unethically manhandling you into deciding before most offers of admission at other universities are released. 

  7. I think you are underestimating the triangle. Don't forget that you have big pharma and many biotech companies, BUT in addition you also have UNC-CH (with one of the best biomed facilities in the country as well) and NC State. These 3 universities collaborate heavily with each other.

    Brown doesn't even compete IMO if your goal is tech startup 

  8. Tone of the response wasn't necessary? lol... Welcome to 2016. 

    Why don't you spend time with this friend(s) ahead of time to show your support, and/or spend a lot of time with them before and after to make up for it? Asking a school to, for a second time, cancel all their plans and reschedule flights is extremely unprofessional and will reflect poorly upon you. 

  9. 1 hour ago, fuzzylogician said:

    I think a much more accurate description of the facts is that young posters, who are just now applying, often seem to only care about ranking/research fit and nothing else. The more experienced posters on this site, those who are actually in grad school or have graduated, consistently stress the importance of factors like location, the weather, your personal and social life, in addition to research fit. I've certainly expressed that opinion in the past.

    I had a failed application cycle last year due to my own hubris. Many things snowballed with that, resulting in a pretty crummy year!

    If I've learned anything from that mistake: Be happy. Do things that make you happy. Be in a place that makes you happy.

  10. I've already been admitted to a program I really really like (UVA BIMS), but still waiting to hear from UNC. Interviewed there last weekend.

    I went into my interviews on literally 0 hours of sleep... with insomnia for weeks leading up to it. Turns out that my allergy medicine contains a decongestant that is well known to cause insomnia. I found out after my interview and was furious, been sleeping like an angel after I stopped taking it. If I don't get into UNC because of a fucking over the counter medication... ugh! My interviews went well but the paranoia is there. I could barely focus! 

  11. I've been admitted to UVA in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics through BIMS, you too I'm assuming (well obviously for pharmacology)?

    Idk if I agree about Charlottesville not being a good social spot. Don't forget that the University has 20,000 students and the city does have quite a bit going on. Richmond is also only an hour away by car/train. I live in a similar arrangement in NJ, about an hour outside NYC and make regular trips.


    Still waiting to hear from UNC BBSP which should be within the next week

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