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About ExeterRiceNowwhat

  • Birthday 01/01/1985

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  1. Just got into Gtown SSP here, good luck to everyone on here!!!
  2. Just got accepted into Gtown SSP by email around 2pm EST from Tiffany Swanson. Good luck to everyone!!!
  3. I work in DC and I completely understand about choosing something metro accessible over having to get through DC traffic every day. Personally if I had the choice of SAIS vs SSP (to me they seem equally reputable among the people where I work) accessibility is a very real factor and is not ridiculous and I would go with SAIS.
  4. To be honest you've got me beat on the stats and I agree that I think there are a ton of military/civilian professionals with 5+yrs professional experience applying because of the economy/laid off etc. Good luck to you though and likewise, I'll let you know if I hear anything.
  5. Was just wondering if anyone has heard back from these guys? I see the SFS showing up in the results section but no SSP so far.
  6. NOPE, didn't get in people. i don't know who the f**k these universities are taking these days, but I'm guessing unless your resume says Jesus himself, I don't know how you are gonna get in.
  7. Yea WTF, my guess is because the economy is so crappy that a lot of professionals who have 5-10 years experience in the military or international relations field are applying now as well because they either were laid off or can't find real jobs.
  8. Just got the reject from Yale IR. My stats were 770/640/5 3.5gpa 2yrs working with International defense company, several internships with the White House and State Depts, fluent in 4 languages. I don't know who the F they are accepting but it must be pretty close to Jesus himself. God help us all and good luck to you guys.
  9. Yup just contacted Georgetown SSP and Yale IR and got the same thing. Next two weeks. Guess all I can do until then is. . . . still check this stie every 30min for news.
  10. Would you guys mind posting your stats and where you applied? I realize they already have that "positives" thread going but that isn't really relevant to people in our study area which is much more focused than the general applicant pool. ( I feel like if I realize that I don't have much as far as anything outstanding in my own stats that I'm going to take the inevitable rejection much better than if I thought I ever actually had a chance. ) If not and this is already nerve-wracking enough as it is then I understand.
  11. haven't heard anything. Been checking the online status on all my applications pretty much three times a day (stupid. . .I know). It looks like I'll have to wait until toward the end of the Month given past years results history.
  12. Well was the subject test in a math/science? If so, then yea that might set you back a bit. If it's in something like not left-brain (or right brain is it? can't remember) then wouldn't worry.
  13. If you are applying to a math program I'm pretty sure your math GRE score is all that really matters. I wouldn't worry about the V score because yours wasn't too bad and it doesn't really apply to the program you are going for.
  14. I don't know, I looked at the results search for the places I'm applying to and I don't hear back until the end of March. Could just be that you are in the later batch of schools that send out notifications. You could always make a call to the schools and just don't give them your name and ask when you would expect to hear back. You can even *67 the call if you don't want them to see the number. . . .but that's a bit on the paranoid side.
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