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Posts posted by Dibenzofulvene

  1. 55 minutes ago, matsguy said:

    Really they only accepted  10% of all applications ?? That seems super low doesn't it

    Not really, I thought that 10% was expected for the upper-tier programs. Also, they could have been rounding down, so the real number could be around 12-13%. UIUC is also smaller than other programs like Wisconsin.

  2. 9 hours ago, Chemcat said:

    The interviews aren't intense at all, compared to the other program I've interviewed with. It's essentially informal conversations about your research interests and the research that their group does. I asked some questions about moving from synthesis into chemical biology and tried to get a feel for the PI's mentorship style. I'm interested in Cravatt, Wiseman, Kelly, and Romesberg. Definitely know your own research, know why it's important etc. But also be ready to discuss your future goals and ask questions about the program. Honestly I don't think they cut much at this point, assuming you give them no red flags (behaving poorly, getting very drunk in front of profs, insinuating you're not interested in Scripps, etc.). Also heads up for those without interviews--they only invited 17% to interview this year (if I remember correctly) so that's slightly less than in the past. 4 of my 7 interviews were group interviews so don't be surprised if you get that when interviewing with a popular professor.

    That's great to hear! But, I wonder if the organic interviews are comparatively more intense. I also heard it was more competitive this year at UIUC (admissions officer told us 10%) and U Chicago (class size had to be lessened due to over-enrollment the previous year). 
    Something that I heard about Scripps is that the professors want you to commit to the program ASAP or you won't get the rotations that you want. 

  3. 46 minutes ago, Chemcat said:

    I visited La Jolla this past weekend and loved it. I wasn't expecting much, but the visit was well organized, the interviews were interesting, and the graduate students were great to talk to. It has moved to the top of my list for graduate school...

    Hey Chemcat thanks for the insight! How intense were the interviews? What groups are you most interested in?

    I'm visiting this weekend and am interested in Yu, Engle, and Shenvi. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, L543 said:

    I applied to their biochem program and never heard back. I even emailed them over a month ago inquiring and never got anything back :( pretty bummed but I knew it was a reach

    Have you tried calling them L543? I saw that someone contacted them a week ago and was told they were waitlisted.

    Also, someone told me last week that Wisc admits a couple people after the first visit weekend (which is this weekend), but I do not know the accuracy of that statement. 

    ETA at this point: I've gotten two rejections (Stanford, Yale) and haven't heard back from two schools (Wisconsin, Penn). Someone told me two months ago that Penn was on the fence with my application, so I'm assuming a waitlist at this point. 

  5. 1 hour ago, cabraloca said:

    Hey @Dibenzofulvene I know we were both waiting on UW-Madison. I got an email yesterday saying I'm at the top of the waitlist and they will know if a spot opens up for me on April 15th at the latest. So I don't really know how to feel now, pretty anxious about more waiting time and kind of defeated that I wasn't good enough for the first cut. Sending good vibes <3

    Hey! I'm pretty sure I'm waitlisted. I'm ok with that. I hope you can get an admit!! Good luck

  6. 1 hour ago, NoMoreOrgo said:

    You're already accepted, so there's not really a need for formal attire. IMO formal attire is mostly for interviews. There's also a ton activities planned depending on where you visit. Some places have hiking trips for a good 1-2 hours. Some institutions have grad students take you to bars and stuff. So dress according to what the grad program has planned

    I agree with NoMoreOrgo. I'm female, but most of the guys were dressed pretty casual. Just sweaters or button-up shirts and khakis or nice jeans.

    Also, keep in mind that you might not be able to go back to the hotel in between activities. For example, at U chicago we arrived to campus at 8am and had interviews and a tour, went to dinner with faculty, then went to the bar. I got back to the hotel around 12am. 

  7. 4 hours ago, NoMoreOrgo said:

    It's been abnormally warm in the midwest. If you can't handle this weather, wait till it gets to -30 F.

    I was cold yesterday but it's not too bad tonight. I bought a nice North Face parka just in case. :D Here in FL we bundle up when it gets to 40!

    Got accepted to UC Irvine tonight via website. No email from the dept yet. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, OrganicChemist12 said:

    I'm glad to hear that others are still waiting to hear back from Irvine as well. My status changed to "being reviewed" last week so I am hoping that they are just taking their time looking through applications. Good luck, I hope you hear back good news from Irvine soon!

    Thanks good luck to you too!! :)

  9. Hmm..what do you guys think about posting the sign up deadlines for each school that we've been admitted to? Maybe it can help clear up some of thr mystery..

    I'll post some and come back later (a bit busy currently)

    University of Chicago - February 7th

    University of Michigan - February 3rd

    Scripps Cali - January 15th

    Northwestern University - February 17th

    UCLA -  February 10th

    UIUC - no deadline listed

    Boston University - February 3rd


  10. Bumping for those that got into Princeton this year. Princeton is at the top of my list due to many of the reasons listed in the thread. I'll be visiting during the March 17th date!


    I would also love to know the answers to the above poster's inquiry on how it compares to Yale. 

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