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Everything posted by pepper

  1. burning bra
  2. Wonder Bra
  3. GRE's are required for both MDiv & MTS programs at Harvard for the first time this year. Previously, only the ThD applicants needed to submit the GRE.
  4. A friend who goes to Harvard said there used to be a chart on the Harvard Housing site that showed past rental patterns. You could see which properties were the most desirable by how many applications they had for each location. I don't have access but I'm sure you can find it if you dig a bit. A lot of brokers & agents use craigslist to advertise their listings - especially in and around Boston. A good way to see what's out there and set up appointments with a few for a visit... just be ready to jump if you find something you like. June is a good time to start looking.
  5. While both Yale & Harvard allow you to take up to half your courses at their other schools - at Harvard you can also cross register at MIT, Tuft's Fletcher School and any of the other schools that are part of the Boston Theological Institute - Andover Newton, Boston College, Boston U, Gordon-Conwell, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, St. James Seminary and Episcopal Divinity. A huge selection of courses and faith traditions. In addition, Harvard's Pluralism Project is also at the forefront of interfaith study & dialogue.
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