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  1. Has anyone else had any problems uploading the declaration of acceptance? I'll choose the file and input a name for the file. Then I'll hit the "send documents" button, but I keep getting a message that " no documents were uploaded". Any advice? Thanks!
  2. Hey guys, I just wanted to update everyone and say that I've received a notification on the DAAD portal confirming my funding. Hopefully everyone else will get theirs soon!! Applying: study scholarhsip, DAAD NYC, Status: funding
  3. Thanks guys!! I wish you all the best of luck!! I'll be sure to update you all if I hear any more news.
  4. Hey guys, So I just checked my portal and saw that my application status has changed from being blank to "Funding"! I still haven't gotten any email or portal messages from the DAAD however. Applying: DAAD study scholarship, DAAD NYC, Status: Funding
  5. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know my portal status has been changed from "selection made" to being blank. Has anyone else seen or heard of this happen? Study Scholarship, DAAD NY, portal status: blank
  6. flingstylejm, Sorry to hear about the rejection, but thanks for the update. Just out of curiosity, did the DAAD state they that could only award 1/2 of the scholarships as compared to last year, or is that speculation. Also, to avoid confusion, may I propose that we include the program we applied for, which DAAD office we correspond to, and the status on our portals in each of our posts? I figure it could help faster understand where other people are in the application process. It could look something like this: Study Scholarship, DAAD NY, portal status: selection made.
  7. Cool, thanks!. I noticed that the 2014 tally page separated the winners by research or study scholarship,with at 40/60 split respectively. But who knows if those percentages can be extended to other years...
  8. Hey S3V, 158 study scholarships seems a bit higher than I expected. Do you mind me asking where that number came from? Thanks!
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