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Posts posted by Anthro14

  1. Nope. No Honorable Mention. I imagine you can't get it if you have even 1 Poor. So I went from being an Alternate last year to nothing this year! haha. Oh well. Exactly i.am.me. And I have 2 peer-reviewed publications, 3 online publications, and several book reviews to my credit. Would be a shame if that reviewer just missed that page on my application...

  2. got my email with reviewers' comments today...well there actually were not any comments as they just show how they score you on different sections with tick-marks. Overall I got all "Excellents" and "Very Goods".with only one seemingly strange anomaly- 1 reviewer giving me a "Poor" for Publications while the other 2 gave me a "Very Good" for Publications. Weird. Wonder what that reviewer's issue was. I wish they actually filled out the "additional comments" section. Ah well. 

  3. Anyone here a winner of the India Fulbright and going to the US to conduct research or teach? If so, I'll be on a panel at your pre-departure orientation in Delhi entitled, "Living on a U.S. Campus," at the end of May. Excited to meet you all! Hopefully I'll get to help out at the US Fulbright to India pre-departure orientation in DC in June as well! Good luck to you all out there!

  4. all good questions. my research does have a gender/women's studies component to it and i have many years of mentoring female students but i still have no idea what my chances are. by creepily google searching the winners last year i found that a lot of the winners for the american fellowship specifically work on gender/sexuality/women's studies. a lot of them were researching rights issues and the law side of things, but also some in education, sociology, health. some already appeared to be associate professors which seemed strange since this is a dissertation completion grant...hopefully someone on this forum will win it this year and that way we can have a clearer understanding of the ideal candidate :)

  5. Hi guys, sorry for being a debbie downer. I am pretty sure they know it's public though. The list is accessible through their directory, too:




    oh man. now, what i'm really not OK with (although i know it's not these people's fault and it's awesome for them) is that there are some people who won the pre-doc fellowship previously and now ALSO won the dissertation fellowship. COMMON! spread the wealth. there are too many people applying for these things who get nothing for the same people to win BOTH! (again, i'm mainly just horribly jealous) :/

  6. yea, I don't think they're going to add any more HM to that list. in past years there were only 216-219 HMs in the Dissertation category, for example, and right now once they move the rest over to being awarded they'll be around that number. my guess is if you're not on HM, you're not getting anything and that's me :( sucks to go from being HM, then an Alternate, to nothing... ah well. congrats to everyone else!

  7. oy. i really wish they would wait until they had EVERYTHING prepared and then sent all notifications out on the same day. it would help with the anxiety and guessing game being played for sure! And I hope it's not alphabetical since I'm Anthropology and haven't heard anything :/

  8. Oh man. I have such a history with applying for the Ford. My 1st year as a PhD student I applied for the pre-doc fellowship and was given Honorary Mention (whatever that's worth!). My 2nd year I again applied for the pre-doc fellowship and was an ALTERNATE. Oh the heart break. Of course no one is going to decline this kind of funding. This time I'm applying for the dissertation one. 3rd time's the charm? Here's hoping.


    Luckily, all the previous years I was able to find funding through other fellowships. Already got bad news from the Spencer yesterday. That leaves all my hopes on the Ford, AERA, or AAUW. *crosses fingers*

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