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Posts posted by Anthro14

  1. Those who are alternates, what discipline are u? How many alternates do we think there are per discipline? Not that I'm biased or anything, but I hope there were anthro people lucky enough to have been awarded other more enticing offers...decline decline!! Haha

  2. oooo OK. good catch! sorry for misleading. regardless though, i feel like with such few fellowships to be given out, most tend to get filtered to people falling under those categories (as you say, special consideration). who knows!? guess we'll all have to wait and wait and wait.... and then find out

  3. on the ford website, there is a listing for 'eligible' categories of race/ethnicity. "Membership in one or more of the following groups whose underrepresentation in the American professoriate has been severe and longstanding:"

    Alaska Natives (Aleut, Eskimo or other Indigenous People of Alaska)


    Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos

    Native American Indians

    Native Pacific Islanders (Hawaiian/Polynesian/Micronesian)

    Puerto Ricans

    check out this website http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/FordFellowships/PGA_047958 for eligibility criteria

  4. i got 'honorable mention' last year and am applying again this year. last year i put my references at the end of the document, size 12 font, times new roman, but single spaced. i'm sure that's fine, as long as you stay within the 2-page limit. this year i actually didnt include any references, most of it was based on my previous research. hope that is somewhat helpful!

  5. G/G and VG/E. I'm kinda wondering how there can be that big of a split on my Broader Impacts. How can 1 reviewer only see it as Good, but the other see it as Excellent. Almost proves what a crap shoot it is.

  6. Yea, I havent heard anything back either. Maybe they just let the good news of awards/honorable mentions/alternates go out on Friday and are waiting to send out the rejections btw Apr4-8. Who knows? Congrats if you actually received happy news though!

  7. Its very helpful, thanks! I am prepared to hit the ground running to look for funding, I just wanted to get a measure of whether getting the funding that'd be required for living and tuition expenses is a feasible goal, or would I have to bite the bullet and take out more loans. Are most students able to work and and secure enough funding while at TC, or are you just one of the more resourceful ones?

    I mean, I took out the subsidized loans I was offered, just in case. I was not used to living in NYC and didnt know what I would need. Luckily, with the scholarship, TAing, and workstudy, I havent used any of the loan money, and I live pretty comfortably (live on campus, gym membership, go out to eat, flights to people's weddings, etc).

    I cant speak for students in other programs at TC, but I know that most of my cohort does not have TC scholarships (i think maybe 1 other received the minority scholarship as well). I'm the only one who TAed first semester, and me and one other kid is TAing this semester (very competitive, as soon as u see emails, respond. we had to actually seek departments out this semester- im TAing for Columbia Sociology right now, and he is TAing for Barnard History). Two actually teach at local community colleges on the weekend (you have to come in with ur masters). A couple have work study (beware that they are very competitive and usually you do not get the full amt ur financial aid promises, again, I luckily got a program with steady hours, so ill reach my amt).

    Again, good luck.

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