since we're running through hypotheticals, i'll throw in my $0.02 based on the info we have plus every else's ideas
if a person did not receive a note that their transcript was not received, i would default to transcript status as received. thus, there would be no reason to contact the person
i think people who were contacted about their transcripts are not default finalists for a couple reasons. first, i'm not sure of the structure of the office--those working the transcript items may or may not be part of the team communicating finalist status. second, the status is not binary (either finalist or not selected)--there is also alternate status. third, it would make sense to me to gather all semi-finalist transcripts given that some people who do make finalist or alternate status will decline, some will be unable to attend due to whatever circumstance (medical, family, money, etc.), and (highly unlikely) maybe someone who made it to finalist/alternate status bombed this most recent semester or was dishonest somehow in their application
again, i have no insight into this process, just killing some time instead of checking the spreadsheet or my email