Ryerson's Communication & Culture program is very open to cultural studies. Also York University's Social & Political Thought and their new program in Media Studies. I would also suggest Concordia or SFU's Comm programs. (I'm Canadian!)
Done! I just want to know where I stand with them so I know how seriously to actually take being waitlisted. If there are twenty people on it, and I am 19, then no need to pay it any thought, I say~
Nothing here either. Tho if they are still sticklers about snailmail I won't hear anything for awhile longer as I'm in Toronto.
Applied to NYU too, so apparently I only picked departments that drag their feet.
Those of you applying to NYU - MCC: did you have a POI there? I emailed the chair and she was quite friendly and encouraged my application, but nothing beyond that.
How would you kind folks characterize the cost of living in Madison? I'm currently in Toronto, paying about 1100/mth for a one bedroom apartment. I suspect I'll be able to find the same for slightly less, but you never know w/ a college town. Thoughts?
Thanks! Im pretty excited. First I've heard back. Curious about how they arrange campus visits and funding structures. Esp. given the fiscal climate of the state.