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Everything posted by mcaleste

  1. Wondering this as well, haven't seen any PhD acceptances in the results.
  2. In my opinion, research fit with your POI is far and away the most relevant criteria. I would go with Michigan, it sounds like you're leaning that way already.
  3. Was your rejection from NYU from Courant (GSAS) or Tandon?
  4. I got that email as well. I only mentioned one faculty member in my statement of purpose.
  5. Thanks for the feedback, @pterosaur !
  6. To provide a bit more information, I go to Arizona State University (so no public ivy). The C+ in calc 3 was first semester freshman year where I already knew most of the material from high school so I stopped studying/going to class but I didn't know the last section and didn't study enough in time. The complex analysis class was a dumb non-proof-based class, so I didn't prioritize it highly. As for total GPA, other low grades came almost exclusively from business classes and pre-requisites (marketing, management, etc.) Not sure if that helps, but thought I would mention.
  7. Thanks, do you think I should shift my list down or up?
  8. I'm also considering Oregon State, Northeastern, ASU, and Boston University
  9. How about Cornell, UT Austin, Penn State and Yale? What schools did you end up getting into and would recommend for me as safeties? I'm specifically focused on machine learning research.
  10. I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I'm currently a senior and would love to get some feedback on what schools I should be aiming for. Undergrad Institution: Large state school Major: Pure Math and Economics GPA: 3.76 (overall), 3.90 (upper division math) Type of Student: Domestic White Male Courses/ Background: Quantitative Courses: Calc 1,2,3 (C+ in calc 3, As in others), Intro Linear Algebra (A), Intro Abstract Algebra (A), Linear Programming (A), Applied Statistics (A), Econometrics (A+), Applied Linear Algebra (A), Intro Proofs Class (A), Advanced Calculus (A), Complex Analysis (B+), Group Theory (A), Topology (A), Graduate Real Analysis (this semester), Graduate Statistical Machine Learning (this semester), Graduate Artificial Intelligence (this semester) I'm skilled in Python and experienced in many other languages. GRE: 164Q, 169V, 5 Research Experience: Have been doing machine learning research with two professors. Currently leading my own research projects. No publications, but will give presentations to the research groups. Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List, on pace for Magna Cum Laude Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Founded startup, two Wall Street internships (non-technical), two software engineering internships, research assistant, Tutor, leader of multiple student orgs Letters of Recommendation: -Two professors I'm currently doing research with -Finance professor who heads the student org I lead, have worked with him over multiple semesters Thinking of applying to: Toronto (masters) Montreal (MILA group masters) NYU Michigan Rice Johns Hopkins UCI Colorado Caltech CMS Do I have a shot at any of these schools?
  11. Ok here are my stats, I'm currently a senior and would love to get some feedback on what schools I should be aiming for. Undergrad Institution: Large state school (not well known for math) Major: Pure Math and Economics GPA: 3.76 (overall), 3.90 (upper division math) Type of Student: Domestic White Male Courses/ Background: Quantitative Courses: Calc 1,2,3 (C+ in calc 3, As in others), Intro Linear Algebra (A), Intro Abstract Algebra (A), Linear Programming (A), Applied Statistics (A), Econometrics (A+), Applied Linear Algebra (A), Intro Proofs Class (A), Advanced Calculus (A), Complex Analysis (B+), Group Theory (A), Topology (A), Graduate Real Analysis (this semester), Graduate Statistical Machine Learning (this semester) I'm proficient in Python and competent in Matlab GRE: 164Q, 169V, 5 Research Experience: Have been doing machine learning research with two professors. Currently leading my own research projects. No publications, but will give presentations to the research groups Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List, on pace for Magna Cum Laude Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Two Wall Street internships (non-technical), founded startup, two software engineering internships, research assistant, Tutor, leader of multiple student orgs Letters of Recommendation: -Two professors I'm currently doing research with -Finance professor who heads the student org I lead, have worked with him over multiple semesters Thinking of applying to: CMU Duke Wisconsin University of Washington Columbia UCLA Do I have a shot at any of these schools?
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