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Posts posted by MH13

  1. Eastern NMU classes are online BUT you must log in and be “in class” at the same time as the in-class students are there. You also must complete your first semester long practicum at ENMU campus clinic, which is I think 1-2 hours twice weekly. I live and work in Tx, close to Portales NM where the campus is located and although work would be lienent with allowing me to do what I needed to in order to go to grad school, it was going to be a bit much to do all of that driving I already do for work. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Ggslpa said:

    So here's a thought. What if they are going in alphabetical order? The person I know who was accepted last name starts with an A. My last name starts with a V. I'm sure it takes a while to process and send out emails to all the students in each district. 

    Lol. This is me trying to stay positive and upbeat in this stressful situation. 

    Any thoughts?

    Not sure. I was also wait listed last time in cycle 9 and I heard the same day acceptance letters went out. My last name starts with H and my letter was emailed at 10:18 am. I didn’t check my TWU email until 10 pm. 

  3. 1 hour ago, BlackGirlSpeechie said:

    @MH13 So they smaller regions haven't heard anything yet. It's been at bigger ones like Dallas, El Paso, etc. 

    That is so weird!! Like why not just send out acceptance to those you accepted all at once.. unless the smaller ones have more difficulty with filling the spots/making it "worth" their time to set up the room and host it. I know that our region SLP explained to us at the meeting that some regions opt out of hosting because they simply don't have enough applicants recommended for the program, so they just pass on hosting. That is also why they put that question on the application about whether or not you would be willing to attend in a different region.

  4. 4 minutes ago, BlackGirlSpeechie said:

    Thank you for the information,  this is my first time applying. 147 V, 138 Q, 4 Writing, 3.2 GPA (not the greatest stats), 2nd year SLPA in the same district. I wrote about what got me into the field (my brother) and experiences my family and I had working with various SLPs over the years. The same SLPs who are my supervisors are the same ones who serviced my brother. I talked about how I wanted to stay in the Title 1 schools as well. This is all I've ever wanted to do. I'm sooooo nervous. @MH13

    No problem! If you do not get in this round, use the time in between cycles to study the GRE, take it again and if you can swing it bump up the GPA. They will see that you were committed to working to improve your stats and the dedication it took. My previous letter of intent was about wanting to help students, as my mom was a reading interventionist and saw so much overlap with reading deficiency and speech-language disorders. That was my focus for Cycle 9 and maybe it just was one of hundreds they read. I don't know. My stats didn't change as far as GRE/GPA, nor did my LOR except one- that was just one SLP for another and I know what they both said (they told me-the can't keep secrets hahaha). Last time my SPED director recommended me, as well as this cycle, as did my first SLP supervisor. The only difference was my current supervisor, which at the time my supervisor for Cycle 9 did a LOR too, so I feel maybe the difference was my letter of intent. I just changed how I approached my letter of intent and felt that since I only had one page to tell them the situation with my district- I currently have 58 students 2nd-10th grade, the other SLPA has 49 PPCD-1st grade. The lone SLP is responsible for testing and all IEP meetings and 3 medically fragile students. We are also a small district and I don't see a slowing down of the amount of students or in complexity of the students' disorders. I just felt that I had one shot to just get honest about why I need to be in the program- I can't afford to quit and go back to school; the program was designed for working SLPAs.

  5. We have until Dec. 15th to accept and if anyone decides to decline, that is when they will start accepting off the wait list. When I got waitlisted for the last cycle I found out the same day acceptance letters went out. My GRE stats are 155 V, 150 Q 5 Writing, GPA 3.8, started my 4th year as SLPA, all 4 years at the same school district. I have 2 kids, one in kindergarten and one in 1st grade, so I plan on sticking primarily to school-based SLP positions because I want time off with my children, which I did mention in my letter of intent. I am also employed in what would be considered a "poor" community (lots of dairy farms and migrant workers) and I stressed that due to the low income levels of my caseload, the school is the only source of speech-language therapy for our students, so I really need to continue my education to not only better serve our community, but to take off the load that is placed on our lone SLP, which changes yearly because of the high work-demand. I mean, its the God's honest truth... I just went for broke and laid it out there.

  6. 1 minute ago, kristens said:

    Do you think they will send out letters saying "yes" to those who haven't received a yes email?

    I don't know... they already sent out most, if not all "yes" and "waitlist" yesterday. From what I was told by a friend who was accepted yesterday, the denials came a few days after the yes and wait list when she was denied for Cycle 8.

  7. 40 minutes ago, mvslpa said:

    Received my email at 3:53  PM last name starts with a V. I was waitlisted.

    If anyone from Region 10 was accepted and don't plan to attend, please let the school know ASAP :)

    CONGRATULATIONS to those that received acceptance letters!!! 

    I was wait listed as well and my email came in at 3:45 (last name H)... so anyone from Region 17 who doesn't plan on attending, please, PLEASE let them know ASAP!

    Congrats everyone!

  8. 24 minutes ago, baylorbear25 said:

    I'm an H as well @MH13.  I got the email on Nov. 3 at 3:47.   I am so ready to know.  Is anyone else Region 12?  I don't think so but figured I would ask again.  Hope you all get in!!

    Same here... I am not getting to see most of my caseload because of testing... go figure.... so I'm basically waiting until time to see my lifeskills kiddos to make sugar cookies for staff. COME ON.... :) Negative on Region 12.. I'm Region 17

  9. 1 minute ago, Speechie88 said:

    Just letting you know your Cycle 9 application has been received and  processed. The Admissions Committee will be meeting soon.


    I got this email at 3:43 pm in October. I assumed that is what MH13 is talking about as well. 

    Yes! That's the email.. mine was sent at 3:50... these were sent out November 3rd. Sorry, I was talking to my SLP.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Speechie88 said:

    I hope the A & B last names have heard something already! I'm G and i'm guessing that I won't hear anything until after lunch... or maybe even tomorrow! :unsure:

    Not sure! I am H... I got my letter regarding it going to admissions committee at 3:50, so I won't be surprised if its around that time.

  11. 1 hour ago, JoD3o said:

    Hi all!  Applied Region 10. I applied during Cycle 8 and heard back on Dec.  9, too, so decisions should be coming in very soon.  They'll go alphabetically once they start and it'll take maybe up to 3 days to fully get back to everyone!  Good luck!  Nerves are kicking in for me,  too! 

    Oh wow... well, did they drag it out over those 3 days? I'm like Moxie-19... thanks for the other emails TWU... but, I really want to know THE information we are all salivating over.... did we get IN or NOT?! It's going to be a LONG weekend y'all.... Just hope I get the news I want...esp if I'm at work.

    Did you get random TWU emails in your TWU email acct like some of us have when you applied during Cycle 8? One of my UG classmates and current M Ed classmates applied during Cycle 8 and did not get anything like that. 

  12. I am doing mine as a distance ed student through Texas Tech. It is a stand alone certificate, but I chose to go ahead and get my M Ed. (at least it was when I started a year and a half ago.) I haven't been taking summer classes, and if I had, I would have been done already. I know if you plan to sit for the exam and become a BCBA, you will need a master's degree. I initially began with the autism certificate, got it done and I only needed 2 more ABA classes for the cert, so why not? I've learned a LOT and TBH, my M Ed courses have helped out a LOT with understanding SPED, as a SLP- Assistant in the schools, I need to be more familiar with SPED than what we are told in UG. Basically it was, as a SLP-Assistant (should you not go to graduate school), you will probably work in the schools. That was IT. :blink:

  13. I went back and looked.. you're right on the Sept. email of the view book. I was thinking it was October- that's when my physical book came. I have a PO Box and a physical address and they tried to send it to my physical address, which it sat at the post office for a couple of weeks and I got that in October. The normal mail carrier wasn't there to just put it in my box anyway.. yeah- it happens. Anyways, I was literally the first one in my region who signed up for the first information meeting- they have the seat count haha. Anyways, I went back and looked- ours weren't ever full, but we had a lot attend... I would say approx 55 in the first meeting. Anyways, out of 55, we had 5 SLPAs- including myself. Some people didn't have the leveling courses done...some seemed to scoff at the thought of taking a year of courses before graduate school...so who knows how many really applied. One girl who went with me didn't apply but attended... so take that into consideration as well. They said it will be competitive and I believe them!

  14. Weird!!!! I hope that is a good sign. I thought that was part of what everyone got once everything was submitted. It had the dates for financial aid application, scholarship deadlines, and listed the graduate programs- nothing in depth. I'm really trying HARD to not get my hopes up. Thanks for the GPA compliment.. I seriously don't know HOW I did it.. zero special treatment for sure. When I had my son, I missed a test. Well, my prof allowed me to make it up, the day I returned...which was a week after I had my son via c-section. Yes. A WEEK. Post-op. I some how pulled it off and had decent grades that semester. I had a lot of help from family and my husband so I could finish.

    Good luck everyone... seriously. We all need it.

  15. Here is a copy and paste of the email I got about it the day it came in the mail. The viewbook was the printed version of this email..so basically got it twice.

    Greetings from Texas Woman's University!
    Hello M (I deleted my name for privacy),

    We can't wait to share the NEW TWU Viewbook for 2017-18! It will be arriving in your mailbox soon, in the meantime take advantage of our digital TWU Viewbook

    A few highlights include: 

    • Scholarship, financial aid, and cost information is on page 3.
    • Campus Visit information is available on page 8. We invite you to visit Texas Woman's.  Take a look at your calendar and plan your visit soon! 
    • Want to know more about Online Degree options?  Check out page 10.
    • Details on admission requirements and how to apply can be found on page 11.
    • From Business to Nutrition, Dance to Physical Therapy - TWU has graduate programs to take your professional journey to the next step. Graduate programs are on page 12-13!

    We hope you enjoy the TWU Viewbook and find it helpful as you plan for graduate school. 

    Ashton Brown
    Assistant Director
    Morgan O'Donnell
    Associate Director of Graduate Recruitment
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