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Everything posted by apricots

  1. They said that you need a 3.4 or above to be considered for funding for the 2nd year and that 50% or so get it. I
  2. I just got my decision.. rejected which is a bit surprising. SAIS it is!
  3. Another vet here. Did you also apply to SAIS? I'm pretty set on going there but I also applied to SSP to see if I could get in.
  4. I believe I read in a past year's thread that if you didn't receive funding then you're not going to. It also said that ~50% of 2nd year students receive some kind of funding.
  5. I applied to Georgetown, GWU, American, Texas, and Denver also. The only way I'll turn down SAIS is if Georgetown offers a lot of money which is unlikely.
  6. Just got mine too. No fellowship money but I have GI Bill so I'll apply for funding the 2nd year.
  7. Alf mabrouk!
  8. My letter says that doesn't come out until tomorrow for those of us who got our forms in before the deadline.
  9. Just got my notification and I'm in at Bologna! Pretty excited right now.
  10. All SAIS decisions come out today according to the website.
  11. In the thread from last year decisions started with Bologna at 2:30 EST I think. When your decision is available you should get an email directing you to the status page.
  12. Yeah it's on the website. Looking at last year's thread it seems like decisions started coming out at 2:30 EST.
  13. I'm sitting here unable to focus on anything waiting for Friday evening to come. Figured I'd start a thread for other anxious applicants out there! So far I've been accepted to GWU, Texas MGPS DC, and Korbel all with varying amounts of funding but SAIS Bologna is my number 1 choice.
  14. Same here. I was actually surprised by the amount because Denver only offered me $5k/yr which puts it right out of the running.
  15. Got my acceptance last night for the MGPS DC program. It will be a strong contender if I don't get into SAIS especially if I get good funding considering it's already a cheap program.
  16. I did also. I feel like it's a marketing trick tbh.
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