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Everything posted by FlipWizard

  1. Good luck to everyone this cycle! Interview invitations for OHSU NGP (and probably Behavioral Neuroscience and PMCB) should have gone out earlier this week or will be going out in the coming days, as they had their last planned admission's committee meeting last Friday. I interviewed at University of Virginia, Northwestern, Wisconsin, and University of Rochester last cycle (and had an interview at Tufts that I cancelled) as well and had a blast at all of them. Once again, good luck, enjoy the interviews, and let me know if you have any questions!
  2. Yes, US citizen. And as said above, my phone call was from one of my interviewers who said that official invites wouldn't be going out until mid-February, after all the interview weekends are done. Best of luck to you!!
  3. I received my first acceptance to Northwestern's NUIN Program yesterday. So excited, and very relieved!
  4. Yeah, it's the last program I've yet to hear from.
  5. Anyone know if Stanford is done sending out invites? Tufts contacted me today with an invite for March 3 which overlaps with the dates Stanford has listed on their website. Just wanted to check before I confirm with Tufts that I'll be attending.
  6. Just received an invite for Wisconsin-Madison! Interview dates are January 26-29 or February 16-19.
  7. Waiting right there with you.
  8. I know a few people have heard back from WashU already, but are they sending out more invites or should I cross them off my list? And I think Columbia and Wisconsin might be sending out invites this week based on past years?
  9. Thank you! And congrats right back. I'm looking forward to my visit; I've never been to Portland but I've heard it's an...interesting place.
  10. When is the interview for the behavioral program? I got an invite for the neuroscience program (February 26-28) and I'm wondering if they group them together.
  11. Does anyone know possible interview dates for MIT BCS, Rochester NGP, or Tufts Neuro? I'm trying to schedule my interviews that I've received invites for already without interfering with potential interviews. I might end up emailing/calling early next week if I can't find any answers online.
  12. The email I received from them on December 5th stated interview invitations will be sent in January, with interviews taking place in early March. I haven't received anything from them since then.
  13. I'm not sure if someone already posted this, but Northwestern (NUIN) is offering three recruiting events: January 12-13, January 26-27, and February 9-10. I received my invitation earlier this evening, around 3pm EDT.
  14. I think it's fairly common. It might depend on the program but the thinking is that you'll already have taken a lot of the grad level courses in your topic as an undergraduate, and probably have worked with a handful of the faculty there too. They want you to spread your wings and be exposed to more viewpoints and environments. Physics at UChicago, for example, is basically a hard no for their undergrads, based on what my friend told me at the time he was applying to places.
  15. I can totally see why you put in Psychology, though. Just wasn't my first thought to look in Social Sciences. Hopefully they'll move it for us and we can get more exposure. I see you're applying to UChicago. I went there for undergrad and their Neuro faculty are wonderful. I didn't apply for grad school because they tend not to take their own, but it definitely would have been high up on my list otherwise!
  16. Had a little trouble finding this topic as it was in the social sciences section, but anyway, here is the list of schools I've applied to (all neuroscience programs): Harvard, UCSF, Stanford, Columbia, University of Washington, MIT, Northwestern, Rochester, Wisconsin-Madison, Oregon Health & Science, Boston University, Tufts, and University of Virginia I've gotten interview invites from Oregon and Virginia. I know Washington already started sending out invites, but haven't received anything from them. And Harvard, I believe, just had their committee meeting yesterday, so they might be sending out invites at the end of this week or early next week. Best of luck to all of you!
  17. Received an invite from OHSU Neuroscience via email!
  18. Let me get my stats out of the way real quick (I'm sure I'll forget to add things; also, first post on this forum!): Undergrad Institution: Top Private UniversityMajor(s): Biological Sciences (Specialization in Neuroscience)Overall GPA: 3.50Type of Student: Domestic White MaleGRE Scores (revised/old version):Q: 161V: 163W: 4.0Research Experience: 1 year of undergraduate research in a neurogenomics lab; 2.5 years in a neuroimmunology lab after graduating (research interest in HIV neuropathogenesis) 3 publications (2 as co-author, 1 as first author) and multiple conference presentations (both oral and poster)Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List all 4 years and General Honors DiplomaPertinent Activities or Jobs: TA for 2 undergrad courses; Research Assistant after graduatingApplying to Where: Harvard - Program in Neuroscience UCSF - Neuroscience Graduate Program Stanford - Neuro Grad Program Columbia - Neurobiology and Behavior University of Washington - Graduate Program in Neuroscience MIT - BCS Graduate Program Northwestern - GPIN Rochester - Neuroscience Graduate Program UW-Madison - Neuroscience Training Program Boston University - Graduate Program in Neuroscience Tufts - Neuroscience Program Oregon Health and Science - Neuroscience Graduate Program UVA - Neuroscience Graduate Program (Heard back from them today with an invite!) Edit: I'm gonna be checking my email constantly for Washington, now that I see those posts above me!
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