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Everything posted by brontebitch

  1. we should consult with someone in the sciences on GC to create a dating app for the GC community
  2. Totally agree. That's what I keep telling people in my life: as much as these rejections suck, they have to make hard choices because there is a lot at stake. Thanks for pointing this out! I know it's not something I immediately thought of when I was working on applications.
  3. lol wat That's wild. I'm glad I didn't call if that's the case!
  4. Wondering also about the NYU acceptance? Someone called in and received their decision? It made me want to call, but I restrained myself lol
  5. Not sure :/ I think this was specifically concerning the English PhD
  6. I saw on a different thread that NYU won't go out until next week. Someone talked to the DGS. :/
  7. Absolutely!! I think that we will likely hear back this week if we get accepted!!!
  8. EXACTLY. I feel so humiliated when people (friends, family, professors) ask me if I have gotten in anywhere yet and I have to tell them I've been rejected by not one, not two, but THREE programs. I am especially embarrassed because they are schools my letter writers/advisors went to for their PhDs (all three lol). Obviously, this is silly because they are supportive and sympathetic and know that it isn't anything personal when people are rejected, but it's still really hard. Good luck and hang in there!!!
  9. For sure. I applied to only one MA program about a week ago because I was really concerned I wouldn't get into any of the other programs I applied to, and as long as I receive funding, I will be really happy to accept the offer (Villanova). If I don't get in there or anywhere else, I will definitely apply to more funded MA programs next year and just a few PhD programs. One of my letter writers/advisor told me to apply to MA programs instead because I'm so young and it might be a better fit, but I didn't listen to her and I really wish I had. Thank you, I feel a lot better knowing that not everyone is perfect lol. I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know what to do.
  10. Also, I'm glad this thread exists. I have gotten rejected from 3 schools and am waiting to hear back from 7. I feel like I made a lot of mistakes in the application process -- I have not even graduated from undergrad, my GRE scores are mediocre (could have taken a year off and focused on the test in the interim), and I don't think I made good choices in what schools/programs to apply to. I applied to a good mix of high and low tier schools, but I think I could have done more research and picked better programs where I have a better chance of getting accepted. UGH. I thought I would feel better once I just got it "out of my hands," but instead I'm agonizing over what I could have done better. Hearing rejections is super super hard while trying to finish my degrees. LUCKILY, I have done all of the difficult work already and this semester is not too bad. If I get rejected from every program this year I think I will regroup and reapply in the fall. Good luck to everyone, and I totally feel all of you <3 we will be okay!
  11. I totally feel you on the rejections. I have been rejected from 3 of my top choices (also pretty difficult to get into/top programs) and I feel really awful about it, but I'm still waiting on some responses. I definitely feel like I should have more carefully selected my schools and had more mid-tier programs in the mix. There's always next year!!!!
  12. That is so cool! I am so happy to have found someone in the same position as me L O L. I intend to focus on women's writing, especially the ways in which male authors in British literature have manipulated the female voice and narratorial authority in their literature (and equally with how women writers have dealt with the limitations imposed upon them by men; their voices were established long before they were able to begin widely publishing). I am interested in both Early Modern and Victorian examples of this, but my writing sample deals with EM (The Faerie Queene, Shakespeare, Urania) and the representations of women's bodies and the manipulation of their voices under the male authority of the text. I love love love Atwood! That's great you have gotten some acceptances so far!! My rejections have been from Northwestern, OSU, and University of MN. I was especially bummed about OSU, because they have some really great professors that focus on women's writing. I will graduate in the spring with two BA degrees, one in English and one in Gender & Sexuality Studies, so I am so excited at the prospect of continuing this comprehensive interdisciplinary approach at University of Michigan!
  13. Hey everyone! There is a similar post/thread concerning the joint PhD programs at University of Michigan but I am curious if any of you applied for one? I applied for the joint English and Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies and am so nervous waiting to hear back because it's really a great fit. I haven't seen much on GC about these programs - not sure if the applicants and admitted use the site? I would love to hear from anyone who also applied to one of the joint programs, as they seem to be a unique and exciting opportunity for those who have a very interdisciplinary focus. :~~~) Also, major congratulations to all who have had acceptances! I have 3 rejections so far and am waiting to hear back from 7 other programs.
  14. I am applying with a BA and my status is still "pending"...... SO NERVOUS. I just want to know either way
  15. I feel this really really really hard. In my mind I was like, "Maybe sending out admissions decisions will be a radical act against Trump's administration's likely destruction of Arts/Humanities programs???" MY ANXIETY IS AT AN ALL TIME HIGH ON THIS DAY
  16. Thank you SO much for your comment! It gives me hope! I hope I will find myself in the same position (acceptance to both!) and am able to defer, but I'll just have to wait and see. Good luck to you and congratulations on your Fulbright and MA program! That's so fantastic!!
  17. You're absolutely right! That's why I have been saying I will probably take a PhD acceptance, even if I get the Fulbright as well, just because it might be the only chance I have even if I reapply. I have also spent almost 1k on applications and other materials, so it would be a huge waste of money if I did get in and didn't end up going. Thanks for your response. I will have to wait and see what kind of offers I get, but hopefully I have some choices. A lot of my professors and my advisor have advised against starting a PhD right away but have also acknowledged I would likely be able to handle it as I am extremely excited about the field and a great student. Obviously, things could change in grad school, but right now I feel like I would handle it well. The more I think about the Fulbright the more appealing it sounds, and it might make me a more appealing candidate later on if I don't get in anywhere this cycle. Thanks again!!!
  18. This is probably premature, as I have not heard back from either, but do any of you have advice or experience in dealing with two different offers? I applied for a Fulbright ETA grant to teach English in Poland and am confident that I might be awarded the grant based on my application and candidate profile. I applied mostly because it would be crazy to turn down a Fulbright and I am an excellent applicant for several different reasons, so my advisor and some other faculty I know encouraged me to apply. However, I definitely want to get my PhD in English Lit (not comp lit or anything) and have also applied for multiple programs for Fall 2017 (8 schools). If I get the Fulbright and acceptance into any schools, which should I turn down? Most of the schools I applied to do not let you defer admission - would they if I was awarded a Fulbright? Just curious if any of you have experience with deferring acceptance or taking a gap year to do a Fulbright, etc. It's definitely possible that I won't get either or I won't get into PhD programs this year as I am straight from my BA and it's a crapshoot anyway, but I am just thinking about this in preparation for the best outcome. Best of luck to all of you applying this cycle, I am so nervous waiting around for news on my applications and just submitted my final app (to University of Colorado Boulder) yesterday!
  19. Wow, I feel really silly for overlooking this when I applied . It makes sense but the other schools I applied for did not make this specification. Someone from the graduate office responded to my email a few minutes ago and said exactly what you suggested, as well. I am glad they'll be reviewing me with the MA applicants as I am not even finished with my undergrad yet and am a little worried that my lack of experience and young age will be a deterrent to admissions committees. Such an anxiety producing experience!!! Best of luck with your applications and thank you for the response!
  20. Yeah.... it used to say PhD and now it says MA? I definitely, 100% applied for the PhD and NOT the MA.
  21. I have applied for several English Literature PhD program for fall 2017. Today I was checking my application status online at some of these schools, and at University of Washington I noticed the portal says I am being considered and have applied for the MA, not the PhD. I checked my email and the confirmation email I received when I applied explicitly stated they had received my PhD application, so I'm confused about the change reflected in the portal. Do any of you have experience with this? Does this mean I have already been accepted to the MA, not the PhD, or am only being considered for the MA now? I am just really confused. I emailed the program but I am not sure when I will hear back because it is winter break.
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