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Everything posted by Impartial

  1. Hey everyone! I'm very excited to have been offered a spot at Rutgers––I received word yesterday from Hanneline on Easter, no less. I look forward to meeting some of you this year, and feel free to reach out if you also plan to attend Rutgers and have been lurking on here. Fingers crossed for everyone on any wait lists––I can empathize with the prolonged uncertainty. For myself, it was super helpful making new work in the interim, sending in some grant and residency applications (one which already led to a studio visit with a curator/gallerist), and spending time outdoors. Wishing everyone the best with your results, big moves, and art-making practice. It's such a privilege to be able to pursue our work in this current political climate. We are all in this together, and it's great to have a forum to freak out about the whole process as well!
  2. Difficult but smart choice – SAIC has wonderful resources, networks, and is set in a city with good school/work/life balance.
  3. Hi Everyone – for those on a wait list or if you may be out of this year's grad school cycle, I thought these two articles are helpful in understanding your circumstances and formulating secondary plans, respectively. http://www.idealist.org/info/GradEducation/Resources/Applying/Waitlisted Good tips about follow-up, setting personal deadlines, and preparing for conclusions. http://www.idealist.org/info/GradEducation/Resources/Applying/PlanB Ideas and resources for a "Plan B" while also working towards strengthening applications for next year. Hope these are useful! Get outside and enjoy the spring weather.
  4. I hope you receive handsome? from Yale, and in the meantime, more wait, wait, waiting!
  5. @sylviecerise I just received the email from Rutgers and am also on the wait-list. "The placement is not a reflection on the merits of your application, but rather a consequence of needing to maintain formal diversity in our smaller program." Not sure if you received a similar message, but I'll be curious to find out if that means wait-listing isn't ranked rather dependent on various demographic factors as spots open up. A formal letter will follow detailing more about what wait-listed students can expect.
  6. Congrats on your acceptances and funding! Several people already received interviews for Columbia, with a few acceptances and others waiting. Not sure about NYU.
  7. @Poodle-Doodle @Dreaminghigh @peanutbutterjelly @Causofit Congrats all on Hunter! And to those of you at the end of the application journey –– best of luck on your final decisions!!!
  8. I hope everyone on the east coast is enjoying their snow day! Oh wait, was this off topic...?
  9. @Lounyc – Congrats on the acceptance and waitlist! This may not be my year, but did you happen to check if your application status is updated online for Rutgers (i.e. the RUID login at AdmissionServices)?
  10. Well done on all of your acceptances and stipends! Excited to see where you will head and the work you will make in the next two years!!
  11. So sorry that your educational and creative opportunities in the USA are disrupted by the terrible administration and president. Ugh! Hope you find a more enlightened place to study!!!
  12. All prospective grad students should keep in mind that many of these private programs are businesses, and thus, you are one of their clients. As a client, I would ask myself if I'm making a good investment, which depends on personal financial circumstances: 1. Do I already have debt? 2. Do I already have decent savings? 3. Will the school help get my work and/or teaching practice to a level that will allow me to pay back the debt in a short amount of time (e.g. material resources, good studio, career guidance, alumni network)? 4. How much money would I have to earn right out of school to make my minimum payments? 5. How many years will it take me to pay back my debt if I'm earning an avg salary for my profession? 6. How much am I saving annually right now? $60K tuition cost + living expenses for NY is serious money. With cheap rent and roomies, you can scrounge by in parts of Brooklyn or Ridgewood for $24-35K/yr depending on your lifestyle. That's over $108K (low-end) in two years including tuition. Once you leave school, the last thing you want to do is have to get a full-time office job to pay that down! My advice is to set a budget for what is your realistic cost of going to grad school, and maybe disregard that figure if and only if the school is your #1 pick––a special dream opportunity. A school won't make or break your art career; it's your ability to keep making good art!
  13. Thank you, and $$ makes a difference, especially if you like both schools and are thinking about post-MFA life. Congrats on the funding package at AZ! It would be interesting to make work in such a different geographic environment. One other thing to consider is where you might want to reside after the MFA program––it's nice to keep something continuous with your peers, even if you just stay put for another year or two. Best of luck on your decision!
  14. I am hoping things work out at Rutgers; I interview tomorrow! I'm from Chicago and am very familiar with Columbia College. It's a great school for photo, especially with the Museum of Contemporary Photography as a resource. Most of the artists coming out of Chicago who work in photo either attended Columbia, SAIC, or UIC. A few people from Northwestern and UofC also, but these schools seem to have more visible painters and sculptors.
  15. My understanding is that Parsons has more of a focus on design, and of course, is renown for its fashion program. If you are interested in commercial photography and practical applications of the medium, this may be a good direction to head. Some faculty offer a more fine arts perspective, however, so it depends on who you work with. Pratt has more of a traditional fine arts approach (critiques vs. portfolios for the job market), and I find the work coming out of NYU to also be in a fine arts direction with the most interdisciplinary allowance of the three schools. Pratt seems to have stronger delineations across their media-specific departments. These are all general observations as I haven't studied at any of these schools, but I have guest-critiqued/lectured in entry-level classes at Parsons. Photography covers such a broad arena of interests, that you should focus on the school that will provide you with what you want––whether it's a commercial/design focus or more based on a fine arts practice.
  16. Hi Everyone – more congratulations to everyone who's received interviews and acceptance notices!!! Break a leg for upcoming interviews this week. Anyone interviewing for Rutgers, I've heard that all faculty will be present on March 3rd which is great. The actual interview panel is kept secret, however. I forgot to ask how many students will be interviewing and the total number of placements available. Look forward to meeting some of you! Cheers
  17. Thank you for this update~ Columbia Univ. or Columbia College?
  18. FWIW, today is a state holiday for CT, IL, MO, and NY (Lincoln's bday observed). Anyone waiting for info from any schools in these states will probably get more info tomorrow or later this week. Fingers crossed.
  19. One thing for everyone to keep in mind – schools may not unilaterally send out all interview requests at once, especially across departments. Also, my application status for Rutgers still says "No decision" for anyone wondering.
  20. @sylviecerise Yes – look forward to meeting you during the interview! Feel free to PM me. @desertdog I applied to Photography.
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