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Captain Cabinets

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Everything posted by Captain Cabinets

  1. I'm off to Oxford in the fall!
  2. That's a shame about the funding, but a friend of mine was at Merton and absolutely adored it, and I'd listed it as my first-choice college before being assigned to Somerville. The non-provision of recs is a bit strange, though, and a bit rude? Perhaps you could subtly remind him? If the cause is that he feels you wholly belong at Oxford he should at least discuss or clarify that with you, I feel...
  3. Thanks, and fingers crossed that you get funding! I think mine is specifically a college scholarship, and my supervisor mentioned that funding offers for overseas students (like myself) are sent out a bit sooner than the others. I do feel like I'd like fit well at Oxford, I just have some dissertation insecurities at the moment (sort of in the wake of unexpected success). Re the UK-US divide, an acquaintance of mine at Cambridge phrased the 'who-works-for-who' bit more along the lines of saying that in the UK, PhD scholars are the most senior students, while in the US, they're considered the most junior academics (but I suppose that comes down to the same thing).
  4. Thanks so much for the helpful advice! I think I did frame my initial post a little flippantly, but I have put some thought and research into it! All in all, having done as much research as can without visiting, I feel like Oxford would be a better fit for me, but what is putting me off is a bit of insecurity about my readiness for the dissertation. Am I eager to begin? Yes, and I think I'd become very frustrated if I only got around to it four years into the programme, as at UChicago. Am I 'comfortable in my knowledge'? No, I'm scared I know too little. That being said, I have some inklings, and my Master's (which I'm currently finishing off) is research based, and in a similar vein to my DPhil topic, so I might be needlessly harping on my insecurities. There's no way of really telling, I suppose. Hence the flippant 'lack of guts.' I really was massively impressed by UChicago's programme, and I haven't visited at Oxford, but my general sense from correspondence with my supervisor and with friends who studied there is that I'd fit better into the sort of research environment Oxford would offer, as opposed to UChicago's structure and broad course-work (my major 'fear' at UChicago would be that I might be gently and unknowingly guided into producing a kind of research I don't really like or personally value, but this too might be framed as 'lack of guts,' I suppose). The fact that it is such a great programme is making it hard to decide though, as either way I'd be passing up on wonderful and formative, albeit very different academic and intellectual experiences, and I don't really know which would be best for me in the long run. I think I will PM you!
  5. A Thatcher Scholarship at Somerville (I think it's quite new?)
  6. I got my official funding offer from Oxford today (covering tuition, college fees and maintenance for three years), and I can't freaking believe it!!! My head hasn't quite taken it in yet... While I've been wanting to go to Oxford since like forever, and while I think I'd work well with my supervisor there, I'm also completely terrified now. I'd have to finish in three years, and I'm a bit younger than most of my cohort, so a little insecure about my 'academic maturity' (if that's a thing), and my readiness for the dissertation. On the other hand, UChicago gives substantially more money than Oxford (despite the Oxford-scholarship being a full one), it's a fantastic program, and it would grant me more time to develop and grow up. At the same time I feel like I'd be selling out my dream just for lack of guts if I went there... Ugh, shouldn't be moping about what I realise is really an incredibly blessed and very lucky position to be in (but existential crises have never been my friends)!
  7. I got my official funding offer from Oxford today (covering tuition, college fees and maintenance for three years), and I can't freaking believe it!!! My head hasn't quite taken it in yet... While I've been wanting to go to Oxford since like forever, and while I think I'd work well with my supervisor there, I'm also completely terrified now. I'd have to finish in three years, and I'm a bit younger than most of my cohort, so a little insecure about my 'academic maturity' (if that's a thing), and my readiness for the dissertation. On the other hand, UChicago gives substantially more money than Oxford (despite the Oxford-scholarship being a full one), it's a fantastic program, and it would grant me more time to develop. At the same time I feel like I'd be selling out my dream just for lack of guts if I went there... Ugh, shouldn't be moping about what I realise is really an incredibly blessed and very lucky position to be in (but existential crises have never been my friends)!
  8. Hello lovelies! Accepted for a DPhil at Oxford and I'm waiting not-so-patiently for college and funding results (nominated by my department, but obvio that means little at this point). I'm also considering a wonderful offer from UChicago, though, and I'm already obsessing over the prospect of having to choose between the two (despite Oxford not really technically being an option as yet, so long as funding isn't guaranteed). I wanted to ask my fellow DPhil applicants, specifically as I presume most of you are Americans, what draws you to Oxford (or the English system in general) over the many excellent US universities out there? Not sure I'm making sense, but I got the impression that in the US, at least, Ivies and T10 US programs are more highly regarded (and seen as being more academically enriching) than Oxbridge, and I was curious as to what some of you make of this? Sorry, I'm being horribly vague, ignore me if I don't make sense
  9. Thanks, guys! And here's hoping for that top hat!
  10. Holy shit, I just got into Oxford! Rejections from both Columbia and NYU, so yay this! Going to be biting my fingernails until I hear about funding (nominated by the English department for scholarship funding, but I'll have to wait for the Humanities division to make their final calls).
  11. These seem quite apt for any moments of unwelcome existential precarity (including decision-waiting).
  12. @everyblueline, will I by any chance be seeing you at Chicago's Prospective Students' Day?
  13. Same here, and I'm also still hoping against hope for Columbia. Considering the lack of interview, though, I should probably just accept it for what it is...
  14. Emerging lurker here: I'm one of the people who was accepted, and yeah, had the interview about a week ago. I have no idea how these things actually work (first-time and international applicant), so keep hoping, maybe? Best of luck with your other applications, though! (I also applied to Oxford, and getting in there would be a long-time dream come true for me, though aiming acceptance + funding is probably a long shot).
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