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Everything posted by onerepublic96

  1. Any chance Chicago could just get on with it and finish with their notifications??
  2. After yesterday’s happenings, this is one slow Tuesday...
  3. Congrats!! This message alone gives me so much hope!
  4. According to my list I should have 6 or 7 schools notify next week, which pretty much makes me want to knock myself unconscious...
  5. Soo that’s it for my Northwestern dreams. Was nice knowing you, Nathan Mead.
  6. I'm still dreaming of a phone call from Northwestern but the silence this Monday morning isn't too encouraging...
  7. Currently trying to prepare an abstract for the Spatial Modernities postgrad symposium at University of York in May, as I feel like several chapters of my MA dissertation fit very nicely into the proposed theme/questions. Hard to really focus when I know my future in this field still hangs in the balance, so I'm finding I have to force myself to work whereas it usually comes more naturally and feels more exciting than right now. Anyone else with a similar problem?
  8. Thank you for this! This is exactly the advice I received from my own professors, and thus how I wrote my SoP. It’s really reassuring to hear that others have had the same advice given to them.
  9. I’ve had 1 official and 2 implied rejections so far which means I should still be in the running for 12 more programmes, but still this waiting game has done a number on me. I’m questioning everything and am nearly convinced that I’m going to get shut out. The closer I get to potential notification dates, the more anxious I get, and every time at least a single acceptance from one of my schools is posted, my mind immediately jumps to ‘well you didn’t get a call/email yet so clearly it’s a no.’ I don’t know how to stop it and I just want to get it over with as quickly as possible (but obv with a favourable result.) ?
  10. I'm starting to seriously second-guess myself, too. I didn't propose a project at all and mainly just focused on my research interests and the topics I'd like to work on...
  11. Congratulations!! Northwestern has such an awesome programme. Praying for more phone calls to continue coming out (hopefully including myself).
  12. Yes! I get you completely. Northwestern is one of my top choices and I’ve been going slightly insane waiting for this particular decision. I’ve checked my email and my portal both but it’s been silent so I guess best thing to do is just wait. I really do hope these 2 acceptances are not the only ones, and in my anxious perusal of the results board back to 2015 (lol) it does seem like acceptances can trickle out over a couple days, and usually it’s more than just 2 per cycle. For what it’s worth, I also have a ‘Materials Needed’ under my application status, but when I look through the checklist itself everything seems in order. I’ve just been sorting this one off to the back of my mind as a glitch in the system. Bottom line, fingers crossed for us both!!
  13. Anyone here to claim the Northwestern acceptances??
  14. !!!??? now my anxiety is going to go through the roof for sure Edit: now that I’ve calmed down a bit from the shock, I’m so confused as to how some of these decisions are coming out on weekends...? So far according to the board it looks like 2 acceptances, and I hope and pray this isn’t another Duke situation, with a couple acceptances coming out on the same day and all rejections following a few days later...
  15. I know Northwestern decisions are probably only happening early next week but for some reason my mind is convinced the calls are going out today. I can’t stop checking my phone for missed calls. ?
  16. Ahh that’s somehow both reassuring and anxiety-inducing..
  17. Ahhh can this week please hurry up and be finished because I’m trying to see if Northwestern will smile upon meeee??
  18. I feel. With one rejection under my belt and unlikely to hear back from anywhere else until next week, the rest of this week is going to be agonizingly slow for me.
  19. At the start of the cycle, an anxious and mildly naive me decided 15 would be a good number. By the last 2 applications, I was so drained, I felt like I was dying. 22 sounds insane to me, but major kudos to the person who pulled it off.
  20. Just got rejected from Duke. Not a fun feeling, but the idea of starting the cycle off with a rejection stings the most.
  21. Ohh yes I see. I applied for English. Had no idea if they interview so got a little spooked there... this process is lowkey traumatizing
  22. Does Irvine always interview?? I’ve had radio silence from them... ?
  23. An interesting side effect of the application experience: I now can’t stand the weekends because no results are likely to come on the weekends. Saturdays are particularly annoying and on Sunday night I can’t wait for the new week to begin ? anyone in the same boat or am I going insane?
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