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  • Location
    Fayetteville AR
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    Social Welfare PhD

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  1. Me too! Complete with the incorrect admission year
  2. It would be super cool to have some finality from UW. I realize I am not in the pool of those accepted, but if it weren't for grad cafe, I wouldn't know that. Just bummed about not getting in too, I suppose. I did get into UT Arlington though! Not my first choice, but happy to know I can get in somewhere. Still waiting on financials to make a decision though.
  3. I haven't heard anything, going to assume that's a no. Sorry you're devastated! I hope maybe someone will not choose it (if it's not their thing).
  4. Thank you for the update! Although, I am not holding out much hope since I didn't have an interview and none of the professors I reached out to prior to applying emailed me back. Best of luck to you!!
  5. Congratulations!
  6. Got my rejection letter from Boston College. It was my second choice, but I have a feeling my first choice is also going to reject me. At least I have an interview at UT Arlington next week, although it is my last choice because I don't see the future appointments being as desirable as I would have hoped.
  7. I got the same thing from them. Did you have an interview or hear anything prior to this? Just trying to assess if I have a chance or not, as I haven't heard anything until I contacted them.
  8. Hi all, I didn't even know this existed, so yay!. I am still finishing up my MSW so I know I am not as much of a contender as others. However, I have always had a 4.0, I have original research, conferences, etc. and I have been in a social work-type work setting for 15 years, so I am hoping that will help me. My GRE scores are good, so I am hoping that will help as well. I am nervous though because I haven't been contacted by any of the programs I applied for, and I've seen that others have had some interviews from them. I applied to University of Washington (I am from Seattle originally), Boston College, and UT Arlington, so all over the place. Just hoping to hear something soon so I know where I am moving my family!
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