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Everything posted by Chrisel

  1. I also didn't get in. They told me that they won't be sending me a rejection letter, but rather change my status to a "no action" and then asked me to consider to reapply next year.. really not what I wanted to hear...
  2. Hi. I'm also waiting to hear from UT Austin for painting. Looking at last year's applicants, it seems like everyone was notified before March 3rd. So hopefully we will hear this week.
  3. That's great news! I'm glad that it went well. Let me know when you've heard back from them!
  4. Hi! Firstly, congratulations on the interview! From my experience the interview was very friendly. They want to know about what inspires you and why graduate studies (and spesifically graduate studies at Pratt) is right for you at this stage of your life. You get the opportunity to ask questions, and they are very open and honest when answering. You shouldn't stress about it, they are very nice and just want to get to know you better. I am sure that you will do great.
  5. Yea, even with a big scholarship, going to Pratt will end up with me making a lot of dept. I am still waiting to hear from UT Austin. If i get in at UT Austin, im going to have to make a very touch decision...I was very impressed with UT Austin and I am really hoping for good news, but in the end I think it is going to come down to funding. But congratulations again and good luck for Temple! Keep me in the loop.
  6. Also accepted into Pratt!!! For MFA Fine Art (Painting), with $40 000 scholarship!! So excited!!
  7. Yes, I was also rejected at Yale. I've tried not to take it personally, its insanely hard to get into Yale. It hurts, but in the end it's all about going to a place that is a good fit, both for the university and for you. I figured that everything happens for a reason and that the best fit institution is still out there!! All those other institutions have really really great programs ??.
  8. Congratulations with all the interviews!!! You're on a roll!
  9. Since everyone is giving updates: International student. Applied at 5 schools for painting: Yale - rejected UT Austin - interviewed February 1st Pratt Institute - interviewed February 20th VCU - rejected UCLA - no news, but expecting rejection since I didn't get a TOEFL waiver from UCLA and didn't do the TOEFL (got the waiver from the other institutions).
  10. With the really bad exchange rate at the time of application, I simply couldn't afford to take the TOEFL. I received a waiver for it at 3 of the 4 schools I applied for and decided that the one school that didn't want to give the waiver wasn't as important for me (as it is really really hard to get in there - I had no idea if I even stood a change since it is my first time applying for masters) so I decided not to do the TOEFL. I will probably receive my rejection for that school soon, but they were so rude to me in our email conversations that I don't really see it as a loss. Luckily I had two really good interviews at really great institutions, so just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
  11. Congratulations @Poodle-Doodle!!! That's a great achievement! ?
  12. Don't stress too much about it. I also had my interview today. They were super friendly, and even though my interview was about 20mins, it could have easily been only 10. They were done after about 10 minutes and then asked if I wanted to ask them something... and I had a few things I wanted to know, so we spent about 10 minutes just talking about my questions and not theirs. It's not necessarily bad if they know that you are nervous, because it means that it's is really important to you - and that's important for them.
  13. Thank you! I think that it did, and I was very impressed with some of their answers as well. Wow! Congrats, its not easy getting interviews at Columbia and Hunter! Im sure you will still receive the confirmation, but if you are stressing to much about it, email them and follow up.
  14. Yes, seems like no one knows what's up with UCLA's process. Even if you read the forums from previous years, there was a lot of confusion and frustration with UCLAs admissions. Nonetheless, it's a great school and I guess everyone is trying to keep hope. With regards to the recommendations, maybe it is best to reach out to them and ask? Though, I emailed them a while back (twice) with regards to another matter, and simply never received a response....
  15. Hi there and welcome! Congratulations with the interviews! I am also an international applicant (from South Africa). Currently preparing for my interview with Pratt that will be in a few hours! Stressing but also very excited! Where did you apply?
  16. I also applied for VCU painting. Haven't heard a thing... and I think someone said a few pages back on the forum that they already had an invite for painting.. I'm not holding my breath. Sigh
  17. Congratulations!! From which department? I received my invite for an interview two days ago for painting.
  18. @BrainDamage Congratulations with the interview at UT Austin! I was told that they should be notifying the interviewees by the end of the month. Let me know if you hear something! Hopefully it will be good news!
  19. Just got an email invite for an interview for MFA Painting at Pratt Institute. Also had an interview with UT Austin in the beginning of the month. Still waiting to hear from UCLA and VCU. I don't see a lot of people talking much about UT Austin and Pratt, is there not as much interest in these institutions?
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