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Everything posted by gabiwankenobi

  1. hey everyone, so I've been trying to contact Boren for a couple of days via email with certain questions, and they haven't responded which I find strange because a few weeks ago, they'd reply to my concerns pretty quickly. Is anyone else also experiencing this? Just making sure my emails are being received and it's not just me.
  2. Thanks for this kbui, I had no previous link to this or was even aware of the existence of it. @UnawareInGeneral Aw, you were kinda one of the people I was looking forward to meeting :'C
  3. Puerto Rican Boren Scholar, your zika studies are super relevant in my country ironically. Always proud when there's an interest in Latin America.
  4. I sent you a PM C: to the alternates, according to past threads in the forum, alternates have actually moved quite a bit, but there are no odds or statistics. It would be really useful if there were though.
  5. Hey, Swiss, I'm so sad to hear that. I was totally rooting for you, but I was also rooting that your job applications have turned out really well, still really excited for those job app updates I hope your prospective career takes you everywhere too!
  6. YOU TOO, KBUI. lol I got the notification hours ago but I'm still so excited and jumping up and down. Thanks so much, my mother pretty much called and told me "you're going to Latvia." I'm staying at the hospital with her tonight but my dad has informed me that her bone marrow transplant went very well, she's just in recovery at the hospital now.
  7. I'm so happy for you, congratulations, and please don't say you're too old. Fun fact: I have a Dad who finished his BA in his early 40s Damn, we're only missing Swiss, I find it really interesting how most of us who constantly lurked in this thread received it. *crosses fingers for Swiss*
  8. yessssssssssss
  9. it's not unofficial per say since it is from IIE, I mean unofficial as in it just says I was awarded the scholarship and some instructions but they did notify that I will receive further communication this week.
  10. Thank you so much, Swiss, please let me know your status when you receive an email. Thank you so much, the fight for Russian Language in my campus is far from over and I will definitely use this to my advantage. Unaware, please let me know your status as well. I believe you also once mentioned that you received emails from Boren after the Budget Update email, super curious to see if it is an indicator for the fellowship scholars at least. @ everyone who is reading For the record, I only received the survey and budget Update email from Boren. Today I received an unofficial email with small details telling me about the status of my application.
  12. hey kbui, really sorry that happened. I think everyone in this thread has been in your place one way or another. This rejection, like Boren, ultimately will not determine where you will end up in your career, it will only alter the path towards your goals. hey, I know a Boren recipient for Russian and I'm sorry to say that kbui is right. The chance that they will allow you to study in Russia is 1/10 and you should prepare yourself mentally. If you receive it, you will not go to Moscow, you will have to go to Kazakhstan. According to a past Boren recipient I know, she does not know of anyone currently studying in Russia after receiving a Boren and the ones that she did know were moved from Russia to another location. Last year I took out my first loan to go to Russia for a semester, and I have 0 regrets. I would certainly recommend the experience for anyone learning about Russian culture or Russian language to go at some point.
  13. Super tempted right now to email and ask when we should expect results but instead, I've decided to just delete my gmail app from my phone. The checking your email every 3 seconds life isn't the life I want tbh.
  14. hey kbui, I'm Puerto Rican and family in our culture is actually a very close knit kind of thing. For example, unlike the typical scenario for American families, when kids go to college for their BA, it is out of the norm that the kid stays in a dorm or moves out, and if they do, they are actually expected to drive back home each weekend. I'm currently staying with my mom at the hospital, but my mom is one of those mom's that says "you cannot stop because of me and I won't let you" and she's a damn great mom so that makes the situation not better but more pleasant. I think I'll definitely take your recommendation btw. @ASDF1023 wow, that completely goes against last year's pattern. Regardless if you get it or not, please post the result. It could help those who apply next year.
  15. Thank you so much for your kind words, Swiss. It has been an emotionally draining situation, I also have a younger sibling in her teen years so I have to take care of her and keep the household running. It's just been a rough start of the month. I also recently received news that my university, the only institution that offers Russian in my island is eliminating Russian language along with Arabic (classic) entirely from the academic offer because of budget cuts but keeping French, Portuguese, and Italian. I'm working on a way to fight this with a group of other students but it is very disheartening. Overall, I do feel indeed this is a "fight or flight" moment in my life, sometimes coming from such a small place contributes to the emotional turmoil I'm currently experiencing. Professional setbacks are always expected, but when it's something like cancer or disease, it just sucks.
  16. Hey guys, I have to admit that I have a lot of anxiety this week and the next, obviously Boren being one of the main causes, but my mother is also in the hospital for cancer treatment. Anyone have any recommendations to deal with the stress and anxiety? I'd really appreciate it.
  17. Does anyone know if we'll know our status when we get emails from the title of the email similar to Fullbright?
  18. @SwissMister You've got some pro-research skills going for you 10/10. I also don't trust the website, I remember while applying I read something about physically sending materials and when I contacted Boren they told me not to trust the site and that it was not properly updated.
  19. May, really? Tbh, as time goes on and I keep thinking more about Boren and my plan B if I don't get it, I keep getting more excited about Plan B rather than Boren when I put it into perspective. Mainly because of the Boren travel restrictions, I guess being excited about Plan B is also very healthy and it helps me not obsess about Boren. Anyone else like this? By the way: one of us could just ask to see if the May date is true or not, seems weird they answered April 17th and now it's on May.
  20. So pretty much we still have absolutely of our status. Welp, back to the wait game. I can see why they would stop the email budget update system. Is there a second budget update or that doesn't matter?
  21. Supposedly they say that every year, but during the past years it was a reliable indicator if you were a finalist. We will be able to judge if it is for the next year applicants.
  22. Súper cool, I applied for Latvia for Russian (Sociology major). I guess we will see if it was sent to everyone or if it is a reliable indicator of our status.
  23. I did. What country did you apply for?
  24. Did everyone else get the new budget email?
  25. Not shady at all, just kidding, I understand. I actually began Mandarin this semester because of certain interests regarding the SCO and the Eurasian union. Mandarin is a ton of fun, especially since my tutor is always protesting because I switch between Russian and Spanish to achieve certain sounds. The intersection between China and Russia is really underrated considering that Russia had diplomatic contact with China before Europe (besides the Vatican). I certainly think it's due to the situation with the Ukraine, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most applicant applied to the Ukraine for Russian Language. How long have you been studying Mandarin? @SwissMister wow, I think you'll certainly stand out. Note: I might think this because that language is not offered where I live and I've been to U.S. Mainland twice and I've never heard someone tell me I want to study Indonesian, I wish you a ton of luck with the federal job search especially with the freeze. Hopefully one of those applications will work out for you.
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