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Everything posted by zombiekeats

  1. Aw I'm sure as long as you weren't inundating them you'll be fine. Glad they responded!
  2. I've been out of the academia for a period of time, and while I'm excited for school in the fall (wherever I end up), I'm nervous about shifting gears back into Learnin' Mode. How do you all deal with the creeping feeling that everyone is going to suddenly discover that you're not really an academic? Asking for a friend. the friend is me.
  3. Good luck!! I'm pulling for you! I'm still crossing my fingers and toes for Michigan and Columbia (crazy reach on my part), but at this point I'm a step away from closing the deal on a school.
  4. Sadly no--I was particularly interested in William Huntting Howell and Maurice Lee, but I didn't get a chance to get in touch. I applied previously and was waitlisted, and the professors and admissions folks were honestly just lovely to speak to throughout. It struck me as a very supportive place.
  5. That's what I'm wondering! It says they received it on the 22nd--I'm less hopeful at this point :/ From my understanding, it's not appropriate to call or email for a result. Other GCers can confirm or deny this, but it's what I've heard.
  6. Any BU applicants here? I remember hearing from them mid-month last time I applied, but so far nothing.
  7. True! I think it is important to remember that these things aren't personal, although they may feel that way. I think it's natural to want to ascribe more emotion and tendencies toward rejection, but like most things in the universe--and like in your lovely quote--it's pretty chaotic, and random, and it won't make necessarily make sense. But you keep plugging away, and doing the thing until the thing is done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Lol oh wow ok huh. I do wonder if the reason they gave both of us is the blanket reason they gave? I see that others received the same answer.
  9. Yeah, mine was something to the effect of "your academic work was not as competitive as other candidates" (I assume they meant writing sample? or my record?) It was admittedly a bit of a gut punch when I first read it, to be honest, especially since my academic record is a bit unusual.
  10. even with a reason, it seems like it's hard to know one way or the other with these things. It's all so random, and so dependent on who you're up against, who's pulling for you, who's taking students, etc. etc.
  11. Just got my official rejection letter from UC Davis. They include a reason they don't admit you in the letter, which on the one hand I'm like "oh cool that's helpful for people trying to reapply" and on the other I'm like oof I'm taking this a little personally.
  12. Ah! Thank you! Good to know. Thank you!! Same to you, I hope all goes well!
  13. Yeah! I've seen a lot of them were informal offers with a formal offer to follow this week--I'm using it as a reason to hold out hope for waitlist, and not just strike them off my list :/
  14. Congratulations and good luck to anyone still waiting! Has anyone heard anything from Columbia yet, or anything concrete from Michigan?
  15. I maaaaaaay be using my visiting days as an excuse to buy a ~fancy trendy~ new suit. I'm hoping that since it's Austin they'll be ok with me dressing like a weirdo overall (So excited to visit UT!)
  16. Sameeeee. I'm expecting we'll have to wait until tomorrow to call it one way or the other
  17. Looks like Penn acceptances are rolling in, on that note--good luck to anyone else waiting on them!
  18. lol never mind then, I almost certainly am not that lucky Sounds naive, I had no idea the odds had gotten that steep! I thought most schools were at 350ish these days
  19. I feel you on pretty much everything there, Carrie & Lowell has been my (very very sad) jam the past couple of weeks. Second time applying to Michigan and I'm like lol no what I'm not freaking out you are :'(
  20. Hmm, yeah--from my experience with the Michigan joint programs in the past, I'm inclined to believe that this is mostly true for the joint programs. My rejection from the English & Gender Studies program from a couple years back came at a different time than the other Michigan decisions, if I'm remembering correctly. I'm not at all sure about the regular PhD though--maybe they do it like Columbia and split it up by subfield?
  21. I applied to the joint English & Gender Studies two years ago, and I'm pretty sure their decisions went out around this time that year (round about the 25th--I double checked my email for my letter from 2015). So with any luck you'll be hearing something soon, and hopefully it'll be great news! Good luck!
  22. Question: Did UPenn do interviews this year? Or did they just do that for Comp Lit? It seems like the rules are different for Comp v. regular English.
  23. Time to break out the ol' Sufjan Stevens entire discography
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