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Everything posted by Dreaminghigh

  1. I Was accepte to Hunter. They gave me the option between entering fall semester or transferring my application to begin in the spring semester. I already rejected my offer to attend Hunter. If you are interested in attending in the fall. You should email them and let them know.
  2. I just got an email saying decisions where posted online
  3. Yaeee!!!! I got into Hunter as well! Finally the process of waiting on schools are over.
  4. I just don't like how they wanted me to print a physical copy of my portfolio for the interview despite sending a portfolio in slideroom. Bringing physical stuff is a big reason I never applied to Yale. It becomes an unnecessary hassle.
  5. I had the same problem with Hunter. I received a few e-mails today with my interview group being switched. Very weird.
  6. When it comes to taking on debt it is a risk. I know people who take on debt and get lucky with their work being sold and are able to pay their debt off fairly quickly. There are also people who take on debt and aren't able to pay it off as quickly. In the end it is a gamble.
  7. I haven't been feeling conflicted about doing my MFA. However doing an MFA is a big comment that requires a lot from a person. You want to be sure that this is something you want to do. If you walk into the program with a half heart, it will make your time at an MFA program much more challenging.
  8. Thank you! They said all decisions would come out around mid to late march. Give it some more time.
  9. I would love that but I won't be in NYC again until the 9th
  10. I got accepted to MFA painting at Columbia University!!!!! Ahhh I just feel over the moon
  11. I can agree that Hunter College Application process isn't very clear. When I applied to Hunter I couldn't find the slideroom portion on the application page. I had to search for slideroom directly on google search. Additionally it doesn't help that all of their grad school applications are through one application processes so it is difficult to know if the application is going to the right department or shuffled into the wrong place.
  12. I think it is ok to say what other schools you are looking into. However it is best to just list two other programs and not a long list. It shows interviewers that you are applying because you are interested in the university rather than applying just to get into any MFA program.
  13. I applied to Hunter for painting and have an interview for mid march.
  14. Hey good luck with your interview, I hope it went well! I applied to Columbia and Hunter, and interviewing for both. I signed up for an interview date with Columbia but haven't received confirmation about where the interview is going take place. I am a little worried because the interview is about a week away.
  15. Hey Everyone! I have been silently following this forum for sometime now and thought I would making an account. I just wanted to say to everyone hang in there, decisions are still coming out. For everyone who has already been accepted to an MFA program, congrats :D! For everyone preparing for interviews, good luck! I also wanted to thank everyone who have been giving out advice about the application and interview process. I applied for an MFA in painting and currently preparing for interviews. I applied to schools in the U.S., although I am not an international applicant. I have been living outside of the U.S. for some time now. Stay strong, Good Luck, and if there this anything I can do to help, feel free to reach out
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