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Everything posted by lalala1234

  1. Im starting an MSW program in the Fall and i just received my placement.. in an immigrant nursing home.. which is definitely not my top choice. I have worked with kids and adolescents and i was hoping to gain further experience with that population. Anyone have any idea how i can stay positive about this? Im just worried im not going to get the training i need to become a clinical social worker for adolescents. I feel stuck... Also i asked my supervisor and he said first years dont have a say in their placement so i dont think ill be able to switch..
  2. Question about the two year msw program. The deadline for fall 18' is dec 1st for 'priority' and feb 15th for 'final', so that means i technically have until feb 15th to submit everything? so its not a big deal if i submit like a week or two into december right?
  3. is there an advantage of applying earlier than not?
  4. Hi i was wondering which social work school in manhattan is known for the best clinical training? Columbia?NYU?Fordham? Also, what are these schools looking for? good gpa and some experience?
  5. any updates?
  6. Has anyone been accepted or waitlisted? If you are accepted are you accepting? Thanks!
  7. Was anyone waitlisted? was anyone accepted thats planning to decline? Thanks!
  8. I was wondering if anyone was accepted to ferkauf's school-clinical and is planning on declining but hasnt declined yet?
  9. just got waitlisted for ferkauf
  10. Thanks! Anyone else hear back from Ferkauf?
  11. If anyone has been accepted/rejected to ferkauf's school-clinical program can you post it here please? Thanks!
  12. did u just hear back now or like an hour ago? just trying to fig out if it was mass email lol thanks
  13. do you know if it was a mass email?
  14. Has anyone heard back from Ferkauf or Pace's school psyd program?
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