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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall

greatjones's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Sorry man, where do you work at the University? Better luck next year. I'll be restarting my search, too.
  2. Thanks, this is a great call. I'm thinking of switching up the type of school I apply to as well, and maybe doing even fewer. I applied to 6 this year that were all insane to even consider and by the end I was admittedly half-assing it. I'm amazed at people that applied to 20 schools!
  3. Got waitlisted at NYU today. My first non-rejection. All but guarantees that if I do get in I won't have funding coming my way, which means I won't go, but it's nice to hear something that isn't a door closing. Anyone rethinking their strategies for next year? Any tips?
  4. Doesn't sound too great for my chances. Been a tough month! Thanks for the insight, though. I'm kinda glad I didn't discover what Draft is until today. Probably would have made this process a lot more involved than it needs to be. Good luck everyone.
  5. Hi guys, hope everyone is doing OK in this stressful season. Do you know if all of NYU's admissions have gone out? I've seen the many half tuitions and only 1 or 2 full-funding, which seemed to be international students? I'm sure i'm grasping at straws here, but you guys seem to be very in the know. Thanks!
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