Hi everyone! I am thinking of applying for a genetics counseling program starting in Fall 2018. It seems so far away right now, but I know it's better to get a head's start now!
My original plan after graduating with a BS was to head off to pharmacy school, but that didn't end up working out. I guess my experience with that sort of rejection has me in a "why bother, I won't get accepted anyways" fog. But I'm hoping for a different outcome with GC.
I'm prepping to study for the GRE, does anyone have any tips? Standardized tests like this never go well for me.
Also, any tips to decide where to apply for? My state only has 2 schools, but this would give me a reason to move to a warmer climate. Only thing is I'm close with my family, so while moving to the other side of the country would be nice, seeing them only on holidays would be hard