Honestly, I can't remember what her name is, but when I called, I mentioned what I have read from the forums and she confirmed the two-part admissions groups and denied rumor that some people might not hear back until the week before school. Maybe if you call again, we can see if they confirm that the latest we'll hear back is the end of July? I forgot to ask what the earliest we could hear back from them would be or when the latest date people from the first group can respond to their acceptance is, so it would be a good idea to address those as well. She also couldn't tell me exactly what my ranking on the psuedo-waitlist was, but she gave me the vague estimate of being "right in between," so that wasn't very fun. The amount of time this is taking to find out the final answer is making me anxious and I'm sure you're feeling the same way. Just know you're not alone!