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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Anyone else waiting on Cornell or Princeton for Comp Lit? I think they both informed around this time last year. Any insight appreciated! Even if it's a rejection I just want to know dammit!
  2. ...another NYU comp lit interview has gone up today Maybe they've decided to interview for a specific sub-field this year? Trying to make myself feel better in radio silence over here.
  3. @gregs I don't have any insight into NYU but you're right about the dates. I had no idea that they previously notified that early. I haven't heard back from anyone yet so I hope NYU doesn't leave it until March again
  4. Someone just posted a Cornell acceptance. Mini-heart attack when I saw that. congrats to them!
  5. @frenchlover Yep, pretty much sums up my feelings about Columbia too
  6. @youngim @bumbleblu Same! 27 here. Reading these forums is giving me some serious anxiety about the quality of my app. I'm telling myself that there's nothing I can do now, so there's no point in stressing myself out. Still...
  7. Glad to see some other comp lit applicants on here! My areas are South African & Middle Eastern Lit (Arabic/Hebrew). I'm not expecting to hear anything back until mid/late Feb but that isn't helping my nerves Getting serious doubts about the quality of my app - gotta stop reading these forums haha
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