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Posts posted by AniSabi

  1. Just got rejected from Lakehead mph epi ? it hurts but I kind of expected it since I don't have any prior epi experience or any recent statistics course. All my previous education/experiences are related to health promotion.

    But on a positive note, I am so excited to start Waterloo mph program in August ?

    Good luck to those still waiting.

  2. 12 hours ago, Java&Jams said:

    Is there a Facebook page for students accepted into the MPH at Lakehead / LU in September 2018? I will be doing it online and it would be great to make some connections for September. 


    35 minutes ago, bailm16 said:


    I’ll be joining you at lakehead via distance! I haven’t seen a Facebook page yet but hopefully one is made soon. I’m anxious to register for classes! Have either of you received emails yet about classes? 

    There is a facebook page for Lakehead:


  3. 32 minutes ago, AQ-MPH said:

    any one hear from UVic or Waterloo after the offer letter? At this rate, I'm not sure if I will hear from U of A waitlist and will need to make a decision between the two online schools. Was there more than one waitlist for u of a? Mine said B in the letter - whatever  that means. 


    Let me know if you are thinking of attending UVic or Waterloo! 




    I didn't receive anything after the initial letter of offer from waterloo.

  4. On 5/5/2018 at 3:01 AM, taylormc said:

    Well I finally heard back from Lakehead epi.... rejected. I checked on my portal didn't get an email or anything.

    Good luck everyone else!

    I am sorry to hear that. I still haven't heard from lakehead for mph epi. The wait is killing me.

  5. 16 hours ago, Aaryanne said:


    My application still says "under review by the department". I spoke with someone about two weeks ago, and they said another round of acceptances/rejections is going out over the next two weeks...which would be now anyway. I already accepted at Waterloo (1st choice), and declined Lakehead.

    I accepted Waterloo too. See you in August ?

  6. 10 hours ago, Sonal01 said:

    I didn’t knew of this course.. thanks for the info.. if I would have known about this then would have applied it in last nov itself as my back up plan.. 




    7 hours ago, GAGGU1 said:

    Hi I have been rejected from all universities for mph. I don't wanna waste 1 year. I'm proceeding with post diploma in health sciences in CBU, nova scotia. All suggestions regarding my decision are welcomed.


    This program sounds good. It also has a placement. Good luck!

  7. On 2018-04-12 at 9:18 PM, sy19 said:

    Hi all,

    I've been accepted to UBC MScPPH and UofT MPH in Epi, and having lots of trouble deciding! I know they're totally different programs- one's more research-based, and one's course-based and has a practicum. To be honest, I'm not sure whether I want to go into research or more policy stuff after graduation. Anyone have any insights?

    Congratulations on getting both offers.

    I think you need to evaluate what part of research do you like? And what part of policy stuff do you like?

    Read job descriptions for both jobs and try to imagine what do you most likely see yourself doing? Is your previous work/education experience more related to research or policy? What are you passionate about?

    All the best ?

  8. 1 hour ago, bailm16 said:

    They have sent out some admissions offers already. I received an acceptance about a month ago and had until April 9 to accept

    They told me they do rolling admissions, so they have sent out some but not all decisions. There's no fixed date when decisions will be released and they give time till July to hear a decision.

    Congratulations on your offer. Which stream did you apply to? And did you accept your offer?

  9. 13 minutes ago, Kmp96 said:

    Lakehead said they wont be sending more admissions decisions in the next few days? Jeez they seem late this year.. it's killing me.

    I emailed them last week asking the timeline for decisions because my deadline to accept the other offer is approaching. And this is what they replied: 

    We have over 350 applications to review, therefore, the general timeline we give applicants to hear a decision is up to July.  I can tell you that you will notknow a decision within the next few days. 

    I know they seem very late this year.

    Which stream did you apply?

  10. 4 hours ago, taylormc said:

    Did you hear back from Lakehead yet?? I'm still patiently waiting

    Nope still waiting ?. I just wanted to decide incase I get in Lakehead epi and also because my waterloo deadline is approaching fast.

    I emailed Lakehead last week and they said they give till july to hear decisions. And for sure I won't be hearing their decision in next few days. All the best to you too.

  11. 8 minutes ago, And1 said:

    Is your concern more so about the epi part or that Waterloo's MPH program is general (but if I recall, Waterloo had an option to focus on sociobehavioural sciences)? I did my undergraduate degree at the School of Public Health and Health Systems at Waterloo, I only have great things to say about the programs in that department and the professors. I've also run into a couple MPH Waterloo grads who worked as an epidemiologist when I worked for PHAC as a co-op student. So it's not like your epi career is completely out of the picture for going there! Certainly try to take stats/epi courses as electives when you can. I recall the UW MPH program had electives for environmental epi and also surveillance (all online), so those would be options if they still offer those. 

    Thank you for your response. 

  12. On 2018-04-09 at 3:38 PM, neonlily said:

    I'm in the MPH and you'd have a lot of the same profs. So far, everyone has been very engaging and have a lot of connections within public health in Canada which has been great. Courses have been interesting and generally well planned with lots of supports.

    The building itself is undergoing renos but they have a brand new wing with a starbucks and nice new lecture areas. 

    What are the dates for mph on capstone project? Is it in April?

    Thank you

  13. 1 hour ago, carters09 said:

    Pros and cons spreadsheet! :-) That's my nerd answer to everything.

    But seriously, are you thinking of getting into a job that requires an Epi specialization? It seems like you can take equal numbers of Epi courses (actually maybe even more Epi courses) at Waterloo than at Lakehead, you just won't come out with Epi in the title of your degree. You can still mention all the Epi courses you've taken if you apply for a job that needs them.

    I guess also, there is a requirement to be on campus a couple of times at Waterloo but not at Lakehead... and a Capstone project at Waterloo but not at Lakehead... so in the end, I think it would come down to which program gives you the most things you want in a degree and which will be more useful for you in the future.

    [Disclaimer: I've accepted a place at Lakehead]

    I don't live that far from waterloo so I guess on campus component is not a big inconvenience for me. I am leaning towards waterloo because like you said, I can always take epi electives. Thank you for responding ?

  14. Would you choose lakehead mph epi or mph waterloo? I like epi but not 100% sure on it. I like waterloo better than lakehead for sure but because mph lakehead has epi specialization and waterloo is general, I am so confused between the two programs. Any insight?

    Thank you

  15. 42 minutes ago, carters09 said:

    I'm going to play Devil's advocate here. I think you have to look at your reasons for going to grad school. Is it solely to get into your desired job asap? If so, accepting Western seems like a sensible decision. Are finances a consideration? If so, maybe going through the most expensive program isn't the best idea. Are there particular courses at UofT that Western doesn't offer, or something about that program in particular that made it your first choice? If so, would you feel like you missed out on something/that you "settled" if you went to Western?

    I took a year off between undergrad and grad school and got a job. It meant I had more money, more maturity and more experience when I did apply to grad studies. A year here and there is no big deal, especially if you do something useful with it.

    In the end, I'm a firm believer in going with your gut. Doesn't matter what other people think, you are the one that has to live with the decision :-) 

    If you're a nerd like me, you can also make a spreadsheet of pros and cons... Lol.


    42 minutes ago, carters09 said:

    I'm going to play Devil's advocate here. I think you have to look at your reasons for going to grad school. Is it solely to get into your desired job asap? If so, accepting Western seems like a sensible decision. Are finances a consideration? If so, maybe going through the most expensive program isn't the best idea. Are there particular courses at UofT that Western doesn't offer, or something about that program in particular that made it your first choice? If so, would you feel like you missed out on something/that you "settled" if you went to Western?

    I took a year off between undergrad and grad school and got a job. It meant I had more money, more maturity and more experience when I did apply to grad studies. A year here and there is no big deal, especially if you do something useful with it.

    In the end, I'm a firm believer in going with your gut. Doesn't matter what other people think, you are the one that has to live with the decision :-) 

    If you're a nerd like me, you can also make a spreadsheet of pros and cons... Lol.

    Lol on making the spreadsheet of pros and cons. I do the same.

    Cost of Western is a valid point. You know your situation best. If I were you I would have gone with Western because for me getting into my dream job faster is more important than getting into my dream school. You also have to think why you applied to Western if  U of T health promotion was your first and only choice. Most probably Western was your alternative if incase you don't get into U of T, then why the confusion now.

    But if down the road you think you will feel missed out by settling for Western than applying again next year might be worth it.


  16. 24 minutes ago, goalsforgradschool said:

    Hi everyone, I would love some insight here. 

    My top choice for grad school was U of T Health Promotion. I've been looking forward to attending this program since my second year of uni, and not getting in is really crushing. However, I have received an acceptance to Western, and though it wasn't my top choice, it's still a graduate school that will help me get my foot in the door of working for NGOs and other health agencies. A friend of mind haphazardly said that some students don't go to grad school when they don't get into their top program and will apply again. I was a little taken aback that people did that, but now I'm in that boat. I wanted one particular school, I didn't get it, and now I am rethinking this entire process. 

    This is unreasonable. I should go to a good grad school, and Western is a great university! Please tell me how unreasonable my thought process is. 

    I think you should definitely go to Western even if it wasn't your choice. I understand it's heartbreaking if you don't get in your first choice but it's unreasonable to waste a year and go through the entire process again. Western is a great University and like you said it will get your foot in your dream job. Good luck.

  17. 10 hours ago, dealornodeal said:

    Hi all! Long-time lurker.

    I was accepted to UBC MPH, U of T MPH (Epidemiology), as well as U of T's Institute of Medical Science (IMS) which is a thesis-based masters. I'm having a tough time coming to a decision, though I am leaning towards U of T's MPH Epi. If anyone has any insights to share into any of these programs (namely the MPH programs, I don't expect to anyone to have much info regarding U of T's IMS) I would GREATLY appreciate it!

    Congrats to all those that have received acceptances, and good luck to all those still waiting! Hold tight :)

    My friend graduated from U of T's IMS last year and he loved it. If you have any specific questions, feel free to message and I will ask him. 

    Among MPH programs, I would choose U of T mph epi. I have heard lot about it. Good luck!

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