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Everything posted by lyonel_

  1. this looks amazing! I wish I wasn't so basic with my games– literally still working through RDR2 lol
  2. She is! However, in my research, I'm less focused on just the visual culture aspect of her work and more so on sensational mediums
  3. Ugh. You seem like such an optimistic and positive person– definitely needed right now. The idea that I'm not defined by my academic pursuits, regardless of the decisions, has been one of the hardest parts of this process, to be completely honest...
  4. not sure if it's a troll, but someone posted an interview for U Chicago to the results board...
  5. absolutely delighted I start coursework again next week, because I need the distraction this next month and a half (I assume?)
  6. For visual culture, I cannot suggest Radical Sensations by Shelley Streeby enough. Less of a contemporary analysis of visual culture as it is a late-19th and early 20th century look at sensational media depicting state sanctioned violence against indigenous and racialized citizens. Her overarching argument is that that these medias were disseminated throughout the world, and then they became transnational catalysts for social movements in the U.S., Mexico, and other countries.
  7. I went all in on research in my SOP, since in my first draft I tried to include teaching experience and a conference presentation ALONG with my research experience and goals– it was an absolute mess... I have gotten the same vibe as I've talked with professors and alumni in PhD programs, especially in humanities programs like the Ivies, U Chicago, UT Austin, etc.
  8. I have not! But it has been on my radar to get into at some point! However, I did read excerpts from Justice and the Politics of Difference for a philosophy seminar this last semester, although that text is more concerned with inefficiencies of distributive justice than embodiment– still a great writer nonetheless!
  9. Nice, embodiment is definitely something I want to explore more as phenomenology (central to my project), especially Maurice Merleau-Ponty, is, I believe, a major precursor to that whole theoretical umbrella. I was more concerned with the word count on describing my project and the Undergrad seminars and papers + thesis that have culminated into my potential pursuit of it in grad school. As long as you have the equivalent of a paragraph of fit per SOP, I'd argue that is plenty– you definitely don't want to belabor it!
  10. Just to add in, although I probably won't add anything new to the processes mentioned, I basically separated fit into four criterions that I believe my project/interests fit into (the period, methodology, theory, and cultural focus). I made sure that my schools had 1-2 strong professors in at least one of those criterions with supporting professor(s) in the following criterions. After that, I spent about one sentence per professor describing a significant work that I took inspiration from, or the current research that the professor was involved with. But instead of just saying how their scholarship "fit" with mine, I tried to make an argument that they could provide unique directions as mentors for the methodology and/or theoretical angle of my project. Also, I tried to make sure my SOP conveyed that my interests/project could add something fresh to the current student body within the program.
  11. I feel everyone here has had the same conversation, or close to, so that's worth something, right?
  12. no matter what, this is every english/lit. major.
  13. University of Chicago is probably the one school i regret not applying to. I got super self-conscious last minute and didn't put my letter writers in the application, and then I just forgot. I feel that my research could have fit well with their faculty... particularly Slauter and Berlant...
  14. If I'm being completely honest, I'm infatuated with every program I've applied to. But if I had to choose, it'd have to be UCSD. They have some serious all-stars in literary studies– including Shelley Streeby, who is really, I think, one of the great contemporary U.S. scholars. And their program is described as an in-between of a Comp. Lit. and English program. So I sold myself as a scholar of English literature with significant training in German, but I plan to try to strengthen my Spanish and French (mostly for philosophy/theory) along the way. Crazy to think adcoms are going to be looking at our materials within the next few weeks ?definitely not freaking out!
  15. I enjoy lifting weights and making music! However, neither have gotten the attention I would've liked to give them this last semester
  16. I am applying to PhD programs. My research interests are situated somewhere between the intersections of 20th/21st U.S. literature, continental philosophy, and critical legal studies. Those are probably some of the buzz-words that would be in my grad student profile *fingers crossed*
  17. Finished my last paper for finals! Now time to submit my final 3 apps, but they aren't due until the first of the new year. so, definitely going to procrastinate and have a little r&r for a week ?
  18. So excited to see people who have already submitted some apps! I have officially submitted 2/8 applications, UT Austin and UCSD! I do not even want to look at my materials again in case I botched something without noticing ? I'm obviously nervous, but I'm excited to see what the next year has in store– regardless of an acceptance or a shut-out (even though I will need some TLC if this happens). I know I have put everything I could, both mentally and emotionally, into my SOP(s), Writing sample, and GREs. So hopefully that one acceptance will come! Also, I commend everyone applying– this shit has been/is hard!
  19. Pretty detailed. I'm basically describing an outline of the project I wish to pursue. I'm applying to a few pretty interdisciplinary English programs so I think they'll like the detail. But from what I understand, Comp. Lit. Programs are looking for a pretty strong sense of intellectual direction.
  20. To your first question, no. It's just that Rice has a 2 page (double-spaced) maximum, so there's not a lot of wiggle room with the SOP file. I believe they are doing this to see if applicants can discuss research interests concisely. While the space to elaborate further is where I'm just going to include the few finer points I had to leave out in the file. And, yeah, there's going to be, and I think there should be, some overlap. For the SOP file, I'm basically just going to synthesize my intro paragraph and the more in depth research paragraphs, while still keeping the paragraphs in their respective place (just reducing length). After this, I will then expand on my research and include anything I may have had to omit from original SOP in the space they give you. This is the initial plan, but we'll see how it turns out when I decide to do it next weekend.
  21. Luckily, in the Rice application portal, there is a section to type out your research interests, fit, etc. with an additional attachment location for your SOP file. So there's ways to navigate this short page limit (which I'm still figuring out how to do) without omitting some of the content in your SOP!
  22. I'm actually curious about your question, too. As I have paraphrased a couple general arguments from theorists, so should I footnote these? But then this leaves me concerned with page count expanding slightly, as I am just on the line for page count with nearly every SoP.
  23. Seems to be quiet around here as of late, so I thought I'd throw in an updated post. After having discussions with various professors about my initial SOP drafts, I basically went back to the whiteboard, so to speak. My final list of schools is set, as my SOP has finally come together in terms of my research focus/potential project(s). I'm taking my GRE on Friday. I'm still tinkering with my WS, even though it's "technically" done, as I want to make some minor theoretical and structural adjustments to my argument. Blah. I came into putting together my PhD application expecting difficulty, but I still underestimated how insane this whole process is! With that said, it has been, and I imagine will continue to be, equally nerve wracking and exciting! Good luck!
  24. Hi! I thought I'd throw my hat in this ring here for 2019 applicants. My summer has been nowhere near as productive as I would have liked it to have been. But, I'm hitting the ground running this past week in terms of creating a few outlines for my SOP and finishing a third draft of my WS! Being as broad as possible with my interests, I intend on researching multi- cultural and multi-ethnic U.S. literature, music and film, among other mediums, with a focus on their relationship to legal and de facto citizenship (or, more broadly, membership). I'll post my list of schools once I'm completely certain.
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