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Everything posted by SophiaIsBae

  1. I'll be going to Rutgers!
  2. Declining Yale, USC, and UNC today. *Sigh*
  3. Just declined ND. Hopefully someone's day is made.
  4. Off MIT's waitlist. Not sure this'll help anyone, but there you are.
  5. I'd only consider retaking the GRE if your composite score is less than 310. I was just a little over that, and I've been accepted to four top 10 programs thus far and wait listed at another. I also know of another applicant whose composite score was about the same, and they've been accepted to five top 10 programs. It really is all about your writing sample and letters of rec. Fit matters, too, but less than I initially thought.
  6. Sorry, there wasn't.
  7. No problem. Unfortunately he didn't mention that. But given their visiting dates, it should be fairly soon.
  8. Their DGS told me that they were giving me an early acceptance because I was nominated me for a fellowship.
  9. I'm one of the ND admits. And no, they aren't done with their acceptances.
  10. Yes, do all these things. One more thing to add, though: if a school doesn't accept your tax returns (e.g., USC), they may accept a letter from your financial aid office testifying to the financial stress of application fees. And at my home institution at least, to get this letter you merely have to fill out a FAFSA form and have yearly earnings under a certain threshold.
  11. I paid around $400 to apply to fourteen PhD programs, as I was able to get fee waivers for all but one program. So, you don't need to put aside a lot of money to apply to a decent number of schools; what you do need, in a timely manner, is the requisite documents (e.g., an official letter from your home institution testifying that application fees would be a financial burden) to satisfy being a recipient of a school's fee waiver. Once those documents are attained, applying to grad schools needn't be financially burdensome. I can give more specific advice if you PM me.
  12. Well, I was sent an acceptance letter a little before 11 PM, from a school with the same time zone.
  13. Here to claim a NW acceptance and a UC Berkeley waitlist. I mostly do epistemology. At any rate, I'm wishing you all the best during this wild process!
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