What the hell? Why are all these 30+ folks being all ageist on themselves?
I will be 34 when I start and if I get the Fulbright I want to come back here to NZ (2 years coursework at UW and 3 years funding for the diss) I will be 40 when I finish...and I am totally stoked! I will finish my PhD with a ton of teaching experience, travel relevant to my field, a boatload of awesome contacts, and an additional PhD in LIFE.
To all the youngsters who are going straight through, good on you, as it obviously has taken a lot of hard work, talent, resourcefulness and tenacity to get into those programs and get that funding. But I would hope that anyone with some life experience in-between degrees is appreciating that as an asset.
After my BA I worked in Europe for seven years, during which time I traveled extensively through Europe, Asia and Oceania. That subsequently inspired me to return to school for three years for my MA (during which I continued to work in my field to pay the way) and the sum total of all those experiences got me a fully-funded PhD assistantship after I took MORE time off to pause and reflect and think about how I wanted to move forward. It was my life that got me these academic opportunities, not the other way around.
I sometimes allowed myself to feel inferior to these young career academics in my MA program whose reality was all about school, GA-ships, grants, etc. But some of them didn't even know how to get car insurance. My social and professional life was FAR better - while they were making photocopies for professors, I was getting valuable experience and way more money in my job outside the university, and actually had some fun!
I have NO regrets about going out into the working world and waiting until I was really ready to further my education. I'm far more mature now, have better study skills, and work experience is basically essential to being an expert in my field. I also spent my 20s partying, making great money, and traveling the world - not in a library. Now in my 30s a quiet night in studying is way more tolerable.
Whatever your path to a PhD, just be proud of it, for God's sake!