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Everything posted by ctbck

  1. That's where my head's at but I'm still supposed to hear back either way from them since I'm on the wait list... Just ready to start next year's apps!
  2. Yeah I read the FAQ of DePaul and it says that they might notify you anywhere between April and June. I really don't want to wait until June lol.
  3. How's everyone doing? Anyone else living in waitlist land still? Hoping for some news 4/15. At this point I def want to be in school but if I'm going to have to hang out with my current job for another year before applying again then I'd like to know sooner than later. The waiting is killing me!
  4. I have a friend who was a finalist and got their no back from them this week. Congrats!! You gotta follow your gut. Glad to hear great things about South Dakota and Baylor... I'll have to look into those programs. I know Baylor has a baller stage management program.
  5. Gotcha. Best of luck!
  6. I haven't heard anything, sorry! If you interviewed back in January though I'd say it's totally fine to reach out about updates.
  7. Update: turns out I just needed to check my email. I'm waitlisted at DePaul!
  8. I learned A LOT! It was my first year applying and I still haven't found out either way about the school I was a finalist for, but I have a feeling it's not my year based on some of the feedback I got and the way it was delivered. While that's a bit of a bummer, I'm psyched that I WAS a finalist. And I have stuff to work on in the interim and apply to the backlog of shows I was slated to work on pre-COVID. I think an important thing I learned is that I want to go to a school that's ready to meet me where I'm at. And I was reminded that there are ways to go about practicing and growing on my own in the meantime outside the structure of school. I got two great book recommendations out of the interview process (Start with Why by Simon Sinek, and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron) so I feel like I'm going to be an even stronger competitor next year when I apply. I also learned what sort of support I need going into the whole thing, how long it takes to wrangle up letters of rec, and that talking to people about your work really is a conversation and not something to feel stressed about.
  9. Interview over. I didn't realize how exhausting that was going to be until it ended! I feel like I did the best I could so now it's just time to wait. Got really great feedback which of course feels like reasons I won't get in this year but also makes me just want to go even more so I can continue getting more feedback!! Their timeline is supposedly this week so we will see what happens.
  10. Ok awesome. I was planning on a collared button up shirt but might go short sleeve just so I don't end up sweating too much from nerves/if my heaters kick on lol Break legs at CMU tomorrow!!
  11. Tomorrow's my interview with DePaul! Nervous, excited, and feeling good about all my prep work. Here's a question: what have y'all been wearing for interviews?
  12. I have a friend who applied to Iowa... Any word from them?
  13. Congrats! Where will you be attending in the Fall?
  14. This is all great information, and the nerd in me loves knowing numbers of applicants. I wonder if that's more or less than normal due to COVID. Great to be an alternate... Hoping more good news in your future. My interview with DePaul is end of the month but this Saturday is the other day of interviews. So I still have some time to prep/worry/prep.
  15. Heard from a friend that offers to Ohio and East15 are out.
  16. UMass Amherst already has offers out, I believe.
  17. Congrats?!
  18. I'm making bulleted lists, too!! Have you thought about taking notes to reference if you need to glance down during a Zoom call? I feel like if I have notes as a "security blanket" I may not even need to look down at them... But I may use them to reference when asking questions during the interview.
  19. Is anyone else starting to overthink simple answers to questions they might get asked in interviews? Like, I have a few different things that I outlined being interested in using my MFA for, and I'm very clear about it in my SOP, but I feel like when it comes time to say what my goals are out loud I'm going to just ramble or overcomplicate it.
  20. Oh awesome. Just DM'd you! Thank you!
  21. Are you one of the finalists for those 3? Congrats!
  22. No interview! Just boom. Which is cool and also stressful. They had me choose from one of two days and I'm holding a block of time but will get more info closer to the day of... Probably going to be an hour split between the directing exercise and interview in Zoom. I didn't apply to URTAs this year but have friends who did and have heard from some schools. I know UT Austin has sent out info on second interviews. I'm pretty sure everyone is waiting on CMU still.
  23. Yes! I am a finalist so I've spent the past 24 hours freaking out and trying to wrap my head around how to prepare. Time to head to past year's threads and figure out how to direct two actors I've never met via Zoom.
  24. DePaul has sent out finalist interview emails.
  25. Ah! I see. No, nothing yet. I'm hoping we hear from them tomorrow but totally get that everything is in flux because of the state of our country...
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