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Posts posted by sheldina

  1. Most people I know take the summer off to relax (you've earned it if you've made it this far!) Me personally, I'm starting research early over the summer for two reasons A] I'm switching fields from undergrad to grad school and I'm nervous about being behind (my PI told me not to worry and relax, but it would actually make my anxiety better to get a jumpstart on research and be productive rather than relax and wait around, me personally) and B] I graduated from undergrad a semester early (December) so this spring I took the semester off to relax and spend time with friends already so I don't feel I need the extra break, I'm eager to get started and get back in school-mode. Don't feel bad for relaxing and just mentally preparing yourself for the journey ahead. Otherwise, find housing, register for courses, etc.

  2. 11 hours ago, Aplomb.Élan said:

    Hey Sheldina, what do you mean by got into a program you never even applied to? That’s really interesting and could help a lot of students. Do you mind expanding? 

    In my experience this isn't uncommon. I had a friend a few years back who didn't apply to graduate school at all but applied for the NSF GRFP, was awarded, and had to scramble at the last minute to find programs that would admit them in the fall. Why they didn't apply for graduate school in the first place isn't clear to me, but I think it had to do with personal reasons. I know people who were able to do this without the NSF (but that's much harder and requires a lot of finessing). Basically for me, there was a program I really liked but didn't apply to (didn't find out about it until after the deadline), so when I got the NSF I decided to reach out on a limb, worst they could say was no. I e-mailed them, said hey I have my own funding, here's my application materials that I sent to similar programs, I'm really interested in your research, are you interested? And based off that e-mail alone I got a Skype interview and I'm flying up next week for an in-person interview. I've spoken to many professors at various universities who have all stated that if a professor really wants a student and that student has secured funding, it's not difficult for them to convince the graduate school/ department to override the application process and let the student in. Obviously it's an unconventional scenario, but it happens.

  3. On 4/5/2018 at 5:38 PM, healthgeographer said:

    Are any other awardees overwhelmed by the next steps of accepting and moving forward?

    Yes, because this grant allowed me to get admission from a program that was otherwise going to reject me (made it to the final round of cuts, then didn't make it ultimately), and another that I never even applied to. I went from preparing to attend a "backup" school to having the choice between multiple dream schools overnight. Which I'm so grateful for, but now I have a lot of big decisions to make that I never thought would ever be in the cards for me.

  4. Senior undergrad

    E/E E/E E/VG - Selected for geosciences- marine biology! 100% did not expect to receive it, which to some extent speaks to the fact that it can be a crapshoot. I felt I had a very strong application (and was told so by many professors) but I know how qualified others are so I didn't get my hopes up. So to everyone who didn't get it- this doesn't define you as a scientist! I'm sure there are many qualified people out there who were deserving, but that's just how it goes sometimes. Congrats to everyone who got it!

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