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  • Location
    Upstate NY
  • Interests
    Hard materials
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Materials Science & Engineering PhD

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  1. ahgfjhgf

    Newark, DE

    Yes! I have joined that group as well. It seems to be mostly undergrads looking for someone to fill their lease. Not ideal but worth a shot. It also seems that some of the complexes have roommate matching/waiting services. I'm driving down on Saturday to check out a couple places in person!
  2. Im an incoming grad student at UD looking for housemates for an apartment complex. Please lmk if you are interested or know anyone who is looking for housemates!
  3. ahgfjhgf

    Newark, DE

    I'm an incoming grad student hoping to live in a complex close to campus... If anyone is looking for a housemate please let me know! I'm not really sure how to go about finding people to live with.
  4. Yup! It wasn't my top choice but it's the only PhD program where I've received a definitive acceptance. I also really loved the dept and clicked with the current students when I visited, so I think it's a good fit. I would love to go to Cornell but it would cost me $65K for one year. Doesn't seem worth it. My interests are mostly semiconducting thin films and the like. At UD I would be using MBE to make III-V semiconductors, mostly for photovoltaics. What will you be working on at UC Davis?
  5. Nice!!! Pretty much a done deal with University of Delaware for me. Only got accepted to Cornell for the MEng program and I'm not interested. And UConn is trying to play mind games or something and I'm kinda over it haha. Ready to just commit and get it over with
  6. Did you get accepted to Cornell already? I applied to the same program but I haven't heard anything from them :/
  7. Update: Got accepted to U Delaware yesterday with a full financial package! Not a highly ranked program.. but WHEW at least I'm going SOMEWHERE, ya know? Very relieved. Visit weekend is next weekend
  8. ahgfjhgf

    Newark, DE

    Bumping this post because I got accepted to a PhD program and am visiting next weekend. From reading this post it seems like Newark is similar to my undergrad college town (small town in upstate NY). So I think I will be either very comfortable or very bored haha. Anyway, is anyone else going next weekend for visit day? Also any places I should check out while I'm there?
  9. That's so exciting! Congrats! Where did you get accepted to?
  10. My friend just got accepted to RPI for materials and my other friend got rejected from UMich for chemistry (inorganic) last week. I still haven't heard from anyone. Fingers crossed!!
  11. Best of luck to everyone... Just wondering, has anyone heard from anywhere yet??
  12. Undergrad Institution: Small state liberal arts schoolMajor(s): ChemistryMinor(s): Mathematics, College Honors ProgramGPA in Major: 3.42 Overall GPA: 3.62Type of Student: Domestic femaleGRE Scores (new):Q: 161 (78%)V: 160 (86%)W: 4.0 (60%)Research Experience: 2-year long project at my school in orgo chem, 2 summer REUs at bigger name schools (1 in photovoltaics, 1 in computational biomaterials) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Honors program, 2 prof greek honor societies Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Job in chemistry dept. stockroom, TA in pchem Research interests: Materials processing, photovoltaics, thin films, nanomaterials LOR: Supervisor at chem stockroom job, 2 research advisors from REUsApplying to Where: Northwestern- MSE U Michigan- Ann Arbor - MSE Cornell- MSE Virginia Tech- MSE UConn- MSE U Delaware- MSE RIT- Microsystems Engineering I'm very nervous that I won't get in anywhere (except RIT which is kinda my safety, but that would be a last resort). I don't have any publications or experience specifically in MSE. I don't know if I'm out on a limb applying to PhD MSE instead of chemistry. MSE research is just so much cooler than pure chem, which can be pretty boring. My undergrad school is a SUNY and I don't know how that will be perceived. Freaking out just a little lol
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