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Posts posted by SociologyFanatic

  1. 2 hours ago, qualsoc2018 said:

    I feel you, re: the implied rejection from UT Austin (I applied there as well). And yeah, same, I was pretty much planning my near future based on being admitted to a PhD program and moving to a new city in the fall. 

    @SociologyFanatic I applied to 7 schools and I haven't heard from any of them officially, but like I said above, there's an implied rejection from UT Austin since apparently acceptances went out today (congrats to those who were admitted btw), and something just tells me that my stats aren't good enough or that the adcoms don't have enough confidence in my math ability. 

    Uggg!! Waiting is the hardest part. I understand what you’re saying. I so hope you get in somewhere!!! They’ve got to be able to see past test scores, they’re sociologists, ya know?! 

  2. 2 hours ago, pinoysoc said:

    I feel you. I stopped logging on during work hours because it's made my anxiety worse... as in I started overeating again (which is the sign I'm having an anxiety attack). 

    Thanks. I’m glad you stopped checking as often. I agree, my anxiety was getting out of control so I needed to seek support from others going through the same thing. I haven’t told many people bc I didn’t want to jeopardize my work. I’m rooting for you! GREs are only 1 piece of the puzzle. Take care. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, qualsoc2018 said:

    I really feel like I won't get in anywhere now (since I have a less than stellar profile), and I have no desire to try again next year (for a lot of reasons, plus I don't feel like there's any way I can "improve" my application in any significant way, since I suspect that if I take the GRE again, I'll score just as badly on math as I did this time; I got 150). I feel at a loss about what I should do now. I know it's early but I've basically given up at this point. 

    Awwwww!!! I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I can relate. My quant score was 146 if it makes you feel any better! I can’t remember—do you have your Masters? Feel free to pm me but I’m sure I’m not alone in saying if this is what you want, go for it and keep trying! It couldn’t hurt to take time off from applying if you don’t get in. How many schools are you waiting to hear from?? All the best of luck!

  4. 51 minutes ago, soc4315 said:

    It's still really early! I haven't seen any posts on the board so I don't think they've sent out any form of notification yet. What helps me when I'm getting anxious, I think about the research I've done and plan to do. I try to dwell on the big picture. Besides, I'm sure you have a really strong application anyway!

    Thanks so much! That’s really nice, I appreciate it. I’m local and can’t move (spouse with job and all that)! I started thinking about it bc I read in their website they let candidates know about acceptance mid-late Jan and then about funding “by the end of January.” That was the statement that set me off. I keep telling myself if it’s meant to be it’ll be. I’m 32 so I feel “old” to be going for it but I finally feel ready to do it so now I’m like ahhh!! I want it so bad, ya know? I guess I still haven’t received that official no but am feeling pretty down. Thanks for reading!! 

  5. 30 minutes ago, capslock said:

    Hi all! I can claim one of the UNC Chapel Hill acceptances! I got a call this afternoon from the department chair (who is also a POI I mentioned in my personal statement).

    Best lunch break surprise ever! :) 

    Congratulations!! One of the Profs from my MA program went there and actually a person from my cohort completed a degree there a couple years ago. That’s awesome! 

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