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Posts posted by NumStats

  1. Undergrad Institution: Top 50 State School (According to US News)
    Major(s): Mathematics, Chemical Engineering, Quantitative Economics
    Minor(s): Statistics
    GPA: 3.57
    Type of Student: International

    GRE General Test:
     169 (96%)
    V: 144 (24%)
    W: 3.5 (42%)
    GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
    Did not take
    Programs Applying: Statistics
    Research Experience: 2 years research experience in Big Data Analysis, Panel Data, and Machine Learning 
    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Honors in Mathematics and Economics
    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: President of an Organization in my school
    Letters of Recommendation: 1 from Honors adviser in Economics, 1 research adviser in Statistics, 1 Statistics Professor that I know pretty well
    Math/Statistics Grades: 
    Calculus I/II/III : A-/B+/A- 
    Statistics and Probability : A-/A/A 
    Bayesian Statistics : A- 
    Statistical Methods (Linear Regression) : A-/A
    Numerical Analysis : A/A
    Real Analysis : B/A
    Linear Algebra : A/B+
    Differential Equation : A-
    Financial Mathematics : A
    Exploratory Data Analysis : A-
    Econometrics : A+/A
    Risk Analysis : A+
    Actuarial Math : B+/B+
    Machine Learning : A
    Discrete Mathematics : A/A

    Applying to Where: 
    School - Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) - Rejected
    School - University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign (UIUC) - Rejected
    School - Pennsylvania State University (PennState) - Rejected
    School - University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Rejected
    School - University of California, Davis (UCD) - Rejected
    School - University of California, Irvine (UCI) - Rejected
    School - Columbia University - Rejected, Offered Master
    School - University of Michigan - Ann-Arbor - Rejected, Offered Master
    School - University of Notre Dame - Accepted
    School - Texas A&M University (TAMU) - Rejected
    School - Rice University - Rejected
    School - Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) - Rejected
    School - New York University (NYU) - Rejected
  2. I think UCI Statistics Department is new and still growing. In my opinion, they can only accept few people and their acceptance rate is fairly low also (last year was 12.4% and the previous one was 8.2%), referenced from http://www.oir.uci.edu/applications.html

    I am still waiting for the result from them as well. The last time I inquired from them, they said that they were waiting for those who got accepted to reply back to them. Based on that answer, I don't think they are willing to extend their offer past 15 April, because they only sent offers to few people and need to get back to the "waitlisted" people as soon as possible before sending the final offers/rejections as the deadline is also approaching.

    Hope this help!


  3. 17 hours ago, bayessays said:

    Yes, to be blunt, you are aiming far too high with that GPA and GRE score. 

    Yeah I realized that.. Thank you for being honest, I know I was dreaming too high given the efforts I put in my first few years as an undergrad.

    13 hours ago, statfan said:

    The admission process is very complicated and no single factor plays a decisive role. GPA is only meaningful given certain context. A lower gpa may be more impressive at a prestigious instituition than a perfect gpa from an unknown institution. People from lower-ranked instituition will have a much tougher battle. Also, your math/stat gpa matters much more than the overall gpa. What is your math background? How well did you do in each course? For example, if your B's are in real analysis/linear algebra/math stat, that may be unfavourable. Your recommendation letters play an even more important role than the GPA. If you get strong letters from eminent faculty members highlighting your research potentials, that would really help you. I agree with bayessays that your verbal score is so low that it would raise concerns about your ability to communicate in English. Though verbal section of the GRE is one of the less important aspects of the whole application but still you do not want to stand out in a bad way. I would say at least aim to get 50th percentile in order not to be screened out. 

    I believe my institution is around top 50 in the US, but I am not so sure how the other schools rank it.

    Here is my relevant coursework list:

    Probability and Stochastic Processes Series : A's

    Numerical Analysis : A

    Bayesian Statistics (Grad Course) : A - 

    Linear Algebra (I II) : B+ A

    Real Analyisis (I II) : B A

    Statistical Methods (Grad Course) : A

    Linear Regression (Grad Course) : A

    Machine Learning : A

    Econometrics : A+

    Data Analysis in R : A-

    Python Series : A's

    Discrete Math : A

    Math Finance : A

    Risk & Uncertainty : A+


    For my recommendation letters, 1 of them comes from my honors' adviser (research mentor as well), 1 of them from independent study supervisor, 1 of them from my Bayesian professor.

    For my Verbal, I realized that it was low, but did not have another time to take another one (I was applying pretty late). I believe my communication skill is acceptable (at least my honors' adviser said so). If I don't get anything this year, I'll definitely prepare better for next year.


  4. 3 hours ago, bayessays said:

    Improving your verbal would definitely help more. Only a few programs require the GRE subject, and outside of those, it would probably only really help if you had bad grades in math classes. Almost all of your programs are top 20, or in especially competitive small programs because of size and location, or within math department (wustl, ND). Obviously I don't know your entire profile, but this is a pretty high aiming for all but the most elite international student. 

    I would reconsider re-taking the GRE general then rather than taking the subject test. I have 3 majors (Pure Math - Honors, Engineering, Q Econ - Honors), 2 minors (Stats & CS). My Overall GPA is not that high comparably to other applicants (3.57), but my Stats, Math, and CS classes are mostly As with a few Bs. So I thought it would cover the low GPA, but apparently it's not. I am mentioning CS here because one of my main interest is Machine Learning, so I thought having a good CS grades would help, but yeah maybe I'm aiming to high this year. Thank you for the recommendation! It really helps

  5. On 3/20/2018 at 2:05 PM, bayessays said:

    Most stats programs don't look at this, so that sounds like a bad use of your time. Where did you apply? Why not just take a year off from school and reapply to some more realistic options next year? There are like 40 really great programs and if you didn't get into Columbia this year you're honestly almost certainly not going to get in next year. 

    I applied to 13 program this year. So far have 8 rejections:

    CMU, Michigan, UCLA, Columbia, PennState, TAMU, UIUC, NYU

    Waiting for 5 left:

    UCI, UCD, Notre Dame, Rice, and WUSTL


    I thought I already spread out my applications to different tiers of schools, but no luck yet until now. Is GRE subject really not that important? I heard it would be helpful if you score well. Also, my GRE verbal is really bad (144), but my Quant is almost perfect (169). Do you think I should retake it? Thank you for your advice anyways

  6. 12 hours ago, Bayesian1701 said:

    I agree.  A Columbia Masters isn’t going to improve your profile a enough for reapplying in a year.  You would be better off saving the money and applying again.  You may not even have grades before apps are due (the ones in December).  Your application isn’t going to change much and you probably won’t get much credit towards a PhD.  

    Thank you for your opinion. It was one of my concern as well. Probably I should take GRE subject instead.

  7. 4 hours ago, GoPackGo89 said:

    Is Columbia's masters intended to be a terminal degree? I only know that they churn out a ridiculous amount of masters students and it is often referred to as a cash cow. If you plan to finish in one year you only have from now until December to improve your application. In my personal opinion attending Columbia's masters program seems like an expensive/not so helpful bridge for re-applying for fall 2019.

    Thank you for your opinion. I guess I will wait for my other results for now. 

  8. So, I got rejected by their PhD, but they offer me the Masters Program. I am currently considering it because I haven't got any PhD offers so far and I think I can finish the master in a year. However, my end goal is still to get my PhD afterwards. I have been looking at their Masters Program and it seems to have not so good review, because they accept so many students at once and the some of the courses are taught by adjunct faculties. Will it be a good idea to go there if I don't get any PhD offers?

  9. 7 hours ago, BStat said:

    Got rejected this week by phd statistics program at Columbia and TAMU. Extremely disappointed with so many rejections. I am waitlisted at UW Seattle. I am also awaiting results from phd program in statistics UMich, UCI and UT Austin. Is anybody else waiting for Umich and UCI, because I have seen acceptances from UCI and now started to see masters results of UMich coming out while I still await results for it's PhD. Program. I am getting extremely nervous since I was expecting much better results than this, but clearly my profile is weak leading to such results.


    It's a request to people who are accepted at UW / UT Austin to please reject the offer asap if they have got better offers. I really really wish to be a part of these schools in particular. 

    I am also waiting for UCI. I know someone in their department, I also tried emailing the email they give at the tracker, but no reply so far. Their department is small and acceptance rate has been declining over years. Last year was 12.4% out of 113 applicants. I don't think we should put high hope on it.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Laoceberg said:

    It is extremely competitive this year, especially for international students. I think you have a pretty good chance for UC Irvine on your list.

    Yeah I figured that.. That was I thought before, I also know a professor at UC Irvine and have been in contact with him. However, I did not get the first round offer from them and I realized their department is very small and only accepts 1/2 international student(s) each year. I guess they are waiting people to decline before sending out possible second wave offer (?)

  11. 1 hour ago, Alexg said:

    I figure out today that its not background that matters, I have good background + published papers but I didn't put that much time on gre , instead I was working on a paper to submit and add it to my CV. I got rejection and no acceptance. Today I called Notre Dame university and the professor said we rejected you because we first rank based on gre then research

    Did you get official rejection from ND? Or you called then they let you know? I emailed them the other day and said that the first wave offers had been sent and I need to wait for my decision. And do you know how do they rank the GRE? Is it the total GRE or by each section?

  12. 39 minutes ago, DJ3Sigma said:

    @NumStats that would make sense and I am sure that funding plays a major role in what each program offers. I was just thinking that I did not apply to the right places. I did not adequately gauge the level of competition in the field. I am too much of a dreamer haha.

    Don't worry, I am in the same position. I might be aiming too high (No real safety school) and without a decent preparation.. We only can wait for now I guess.. Wish for the best *finger crossed*

  13. 36 minutes ago, HappyDog said:

    I saw some posts about TAMU so I also sent an email to ask. They reply that I should wait until 4.15. Is anyone in the same situation?

    Does anyone have any ideas about the waitlist in NCSU? Waiting all the time, cannot sleep well...

    Maybe you're in the waitlist. Just wait for it then, I got a straight rejection when I emailed them.

  14. 57 minutes ago, DJ3Sigma said:

    Wow sorry to hear that. I wouldn't give up just yet though... "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get" -Forest Gump's mom. Plus if you don't get in anywhere with all of those degrees what hope did the rest of us have.

    Thanks for the motivation! I'm not giving up yet, but I think I need to start exploring alternative options and prepare for the worst. In fact, I think thy my multiple majors is a hindrance due to lack of focus and also cost my GPA.

    Anyways, best of luck for you!

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