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Everything posted by cam_soc

  1. To the person who got wait listed for brandeis, does your applicant status page reflect it? Or have you only received an email?
  2. Has anyone else heard from Brandeis? It's my dream school but I haven't heard anything other than the two admissions earlier in February.
  3. I called Northeastern today and they said no decisions have been made yet and don't be made until they meet next week. They said results should be out the last week of February, if not before. I have no idea what to make of the open house. It's really frustrating that Brandeis is not being more transparent.
  4. Has anyone heard anything from Brandeis? I know there were two acceptances last week but my application still just says "submitted"
  5. Hey, so I actually broke down and called the department. They said that no decisions have been made and they aren't meeting as a committee until next week. Decisions should be out by the last week of February at the latest.
  6. @KevinJHa how did it go?! What were your impressions? Did they mention anything about decisions?
  7. Yeah, I keep checking my email regardless! I wish that the schools would just be transparent about when they send out decisions.
  8. Yeah, I am just going to assume that I'm waitlisted or rejected since they clearly sent out acceptances?
  9. To the person who got into Brandeis- how did you check your application status? The online portal still only has my list of submitted documents. Also, congratulations!
  10. Thank you! That is really helpful! Good luck
  11. Is the open house for the sociology program combined with the interviews?
  12. I saw that someone received an interview for Northeastern- when are the interviews? I'm trying to figure out if I'm definitely rejected since I haven't heard anything from them.
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