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  1. I had posted about this earlier but now giving some details: I am giving an interview for GATES Cambridge wherein I have been selected for the PhD in Multidisciplinary Gender Studies. However, the supervisor I have been assigned, her primary area isn't what my proposed research is about and the entire department itself is Social sciences oriented. My proposed research is Cultural studies/Interdisciplinary in nature and they selected me because I bring something new to their Department. The PhD here is for three years. Now, I also have a fully funded option of going to a Cultural Studies PhD in Queens University Canada with an impeccable supervisor and also Canadian universities are doing the kind of work I am interested in. The supervisor's interests are in Transgender studies and Cultural production, and I want to work in the same with the field being South Asia. It's a game between course and prestige. What matters more? If I get through GATES, should I go for Cambridge despite the fact that the supervisor isn't as apt as Queen's (no comparison, really). Does ranking of a uni matter more than the supervisor? I personally feel I did a mistake of applying to Cambridge, which doesn't really have academics working in trans/queer theory as much as "small" universities do. They selected me probably because My research is the first of its kind for their department. As of now, it feels they need me more than I need them. Please help me out. As of now, I am leaning towards Queens. Being a GATES scholar is tempting, but will it be worth it?
  2. Hi all! So in Cambridge they are providing me with a supervisor who isn't really either a film studies or a trans theory scholar, although the department has people who work in transgender studies. Queens is giving me 30000 CDN funding, with a very apt supervisor, and yes, three people who I want to work with are sorted there. And I am an Indian scholar. I am also in for the GATES Cambridge Scholarship. The Cambridge Supervisor has kept reiterating its not her primary area, although she said she could guide me. Queens Phd Cultural Studies is more flexible. I was thinking if I have an appropriate supervisor and produce better work, does prestige matter then?
  3. So I am getting funding in both, but better supervisor in Queens Uni (very appropriate for the kind of work I want to do- film/transgender studies) So should I choose four years of good supervision over the prestige of Cambridge? (tis for PhD in Gender Studies through a CultStudies lens)
  4. Got an Invite! Social Sciences Panel, India. All the best to all others who await an invite and the ones who have got it!
  5. No @Shulfer. We will hear in March I guess if selected! All the best! Which course?
  6. Yes! Just trying to find companions in the drudgery :/. All the best to you!!!
  7. Hahah damn yes, I am lurking in every corner Yes! PhD though, and from India- what about you? Have you got an offer? Congrats if you have and all the best!!
  8. FOUND 1! Int Applicant from India. Which course? ALL THE BEST!
  9. This is so nice of you, I really hope you have a great time at UCL, and great things are around the corner for you. All the best!
  10. Any international applicants for GATES here? I AM FRETTINGGGGGG.
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