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Posts posted by ctbsw

  1. 6 minutes ago, MSW_Hopeful144 said:

    I also applied to UofT (waitlisted), and York and Ryerson!!The wait is killing me! Does anyone know how these schools compare to one another competitiveness wise? I heard that UofT gets priority over placement locations followed by York and Ryerson but I'm not entirely sure! 

    My hope is that people who have gotten offers have applied to multiple schools and some waitlist spots open up. Hoping people will share when they get results!

    Best of luck to everyone!!

    UofT doesn't necessarily get priority, but for some specializations I.E., health + mental health, they have a pre-existing partnerships with programs in UHN hospitals, CAMH, etc. Because of this, they select a majority of placement students from UofT with the exception of one or two Ryerson/York students. The same could be said with existing partnerships that Ryerson/York have. It all depends on what you are looking to get into!

  2. After not hearing from UofT at all last week I assumed I was rejected (first time applicant) until today when I received a letter saying I've been waitlisted! I'm thrilled - which may be a weird reaction for some. I applied for the health and mental health stream, advanced standing, finishing my BSW in June with a 3.8/4.33 in my last 10 courses with an A in research. 800 hours as a public servant/policy assistant with the provincial government, 800 hours across two placements, 180 hours interning with the US gov, 150 hours Indigenous based research. The rest of my hours (300+) are majority leadership roles across multiple volunteer, youth, radical/grassroots organizations.

    Best of luck to all of those in the same boat. Not sure how many people are taken from the waitlist but I have my fingers crossed for all of us!

  3. 3 minutes ago, MSW_Hopeful144 said:

    Hi everyone, 

    Haven't heard very much about Ryerson on this forum, just wondering if anyone has any idea when those results are coming out?

    Also for those who heard back from Laurier advanced standing, was it via email or did their online status change?

    Wishing the best to everyone!

    Haven't heard much about Ryerson either but according to their website applicants should hear back mid-March!

  4. 6 minutes ago, hamlam said:

    Hey everyone. Applied for U of T advanced standing. Still under review on SGS. If it weren't for this thread I wouldn't have known I could also get an ACORN/ROSI account hahaha. Thought it was just for housing or u of t alumni.

    I see some people have already been invited on the ROSI dashboard. My last name is closer to the end of the alphabet (S). Hoping to hear soon. Anyone else with last names toward the end of the alphabet heard back from U of T advanced standing?

    I'm at the beginning of the alphabet (D), didn't hear back. I'm wondering if advanced standing goes out in waves? I sure hope so.

  5. 3 minutes ago, GradMSW said:

    Is it normal that I do not have an ACORN account? I believe I only have a SGS account.

    You receive an ACORN account through the joinID, you probably received a few emails about it - I initially thought it was just for residence. Turns out it actually gives you access to ACORN. They give you a username through their email and from there there's instructions to sign up.

  6. 13 minutes ago, socialwerqer said:

    Thank you! I still don't trust it until I get the official letter, but so happy right now!

    Definitely means you're in!! Congrats!! You must be so thrilled, I'm so happy for you :)  Did your status change on the SGS application portal?

    Anyone else's academic's section on ACORN still blank?

  7. 5 minutes ago, smntoronto said:

    I was told that offers of admission would be made available via Rosi, not Acorn. The SGS website should indicate 'Decision Made' whether you've been accepted or rejected once the committee has come to any final decision about your application. The actual result will then be visible on Rosi. This was also the process in 2015, but I'm not positive anymore... Also been hearing a couple different things. 

    Exactly, but the thing is ROSI is being shut down as of tomorrow, wont be available for even current UofT students because they're transferring over to ACORN? This is what I've heard.. could just be false info. I've read in previous forums that the SGS application web page doesn't even change status even when a decision is made. This is all so confusing. I'm just hoping I get an email notification of some sort now because of this ROSI/ACORN/SGS mess lol.

  8. 9 hours ago, SwagMaster said:

    I've been having the same problem as you. Let me know if you ever figure out how to log in. 

    It's really weird. I was able to log into ACORN less than a week ago, yesterday I was having all these troubles, and then after I posted it I was able to log into ACORN. I recieved an email from an SGS person and they said I shouldn't be able to log into ACORN anyways, which was confusing for me. They said you should only find out your acceptance through the actual SGS Admissions website. I have no idea anymore!

  9. 5 minutes ago, UofTMSWApplicant said:

    Are you using your applicant number to try and log in or your JoinID? I made the mistake of trying to use my applicant number at first.

    Unfortunately I've tried both! Used my JOINid and then tried my applicant number, then tried the student number, everything isn't letting me in. I emailed SGS Admissions, hopefully it's a glitch of some sort.

  10. 1 hour ago, UofTMSWApplicant said:

    Wondering if anyone has received an acceptance or rejection letter from the UofT 1 year advanced standing MSW program.. Specifically, I applied for Health and Mental Health with specialization in Addictions Studies!  

    Haven't received either, from previous years it seems like for the one year advance standing we should hear late next week or the week afterwards. I applied for health and mental health as well (no specialization). Fingers crossed for us!

  11. 2 hours ago, Meiks said:

    Hey! I graduated with a few people that went straight on to their MSWs. They stayed at the same school so that may have worked in their favor. A couple of them were mature students with a lot of experience prior to receiving their BSW, as well. I don't know about Ryerson or UofT but I know that a lot of schools ask for two years of "post-BSW work or volunteer experience". I also know that a lot of schools will not accept practicum hours as experience. 

    Wow, practicum isn't considered experience? Wasn't aware of this. That's really surprising to me! Good to know about having the two years post BSW experience.

    Talked to a couple of MSW students for my application - one of them I interviewed told me she wasn't accepted straight out of school, did about 8 months of PSW work, reapplied using same application and references and got in. I have a feeling that a lot of it is based on the pool you're in and the competitiveness of applications. I could be wrong though.

  12. Hi everyone,

    I've been looking through this forum ever since the summer and only now made an account. Congratulations to everyone so far!

    Curious to hear whether or not there's anyone here that's applying straight from their BSW. I'm from the GTA and only applied to Ryerson and UofT. I've heard it's incredibly difficult and competitive to get into your MSW straight from their BSW (I graduate this June!). I have about 2,500 relevant hrs, A- average, great references and unique experiences. I'm not expecting admission, but would love to connect or hear about other folks in a similar situation!

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